December 29, 2014

We need help to continue

Posted by D.A. King at 11:35 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dear Friend,


There are only a few days left in 2014 to help The Dustin Inman Society fight the crime of illegal immigration in Georgia.

Since 2005, we have survived on donations and accomplished much.

The illegal alien lobby hates us. While the Georgia media makes a point of ignoring us, we have been featured as effective activists by national publications and TV networks as well as front-page coverage in the left-leaning, pro-amnesty New York Times .

Only a tiny portion of the people on this list contribute. If everyone reading this right now gave $25.00, our end-of-the-year fundraiser would be done within an hour.

Your donations can be tax deductible. Please click HERE for easy instructions on how to help.

Thank you if you are able and willing to help us stop another amnesty and illegal aliens from getting Georgia drivers licenses in 2015.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: If you want to see who finances the illegal alien lobby in Georgia and who we are fighting in our effort to see immigration laws enforced click HERE  . (hint: Coca Cola, Western Union and Cox Enterprises and some Republican politicians top the list)

In case you didn’t know, you and I also finance the illegal alien lobby with our tax dollars. See HERE

We will continue our effort to keep you educated on immigration as long as we are able.

Thank you so much for your help and please have a Happy New Year.