September 22, 2014
Media Release – amnesty for White House migrant
Today, the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society constructed White House petition to President Obama urging that migrant https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/reform-white-house-access-and-grant-comprehensive-executive-amnesty-residency-migrant-omar-j/q8xjkLqj Omar J. Gonzalez be freed, awarded Comprehensive Executive Amnesty, official White House residency for him and his family. Also, we demand that Mr. Gonzalez be rewarded with a permit to work inside the White House on Pennsylvania Ave. The details of Gonzalez’s unfair and perhaps racist treatment in his effort to obtain a better life for his family can be seen HERE. We recognize that Omar has endured the oppression of the unfair White House entry system and that that building belongs to the entire world. We are the world.
The official petition must obtain 100,000 signatures in the next thirty days to be viable.
“We think the petition speaks for itself,” said DIS president D.A. King.
In part, the text of our petition is as follows:
reform White House access and grant Comprehensive Executive Amnesty & residency to migrant Omar J. Gonzalez & his family
We urge President Obama to immediately and publicly recognize that Mr. Omar J. Gonzalez, an oppressed migrant, was merely looking for a better life when he entered the White House after going over the classist, divisive and needless fence.
In the interest of White House diversity and what will surely result in adding to the rich tapestry of love and community, we further demand that the President reform the mean-spirited laws regulating access to the People’s House. For justice and peace, upon his next return from the back-nine, Mr. Obama must award permanent lawful WH residency to Mr. Gonzalez and his family, along with a permit to work there. Because.
The entire petition can be viewed and signatures can be added at this link. Contact D.A. King
Marietta, Ga.
September 11, 2014
Center for Immigration Studies
Washington D.C.
Who Got the Jobs in Georgia?
Natives accounted for most of the growth in population, but all employment growth went to immigrants
By Karen Zeigler, Steven A. Camarota September 2014
Download a PDF of this Backgrounder
Steven A. Camarota is the Director of Research and Karen Zeigler is a demographer at the Center for Immigration Studies.
The Gang of Eight immigration bill (S.744) passed by the Senate last June would have roughly doubled the number of new foreign workers allowed into the country, as well as legalized illegal immigrants, partly on the grounds that there is a labor shortage. Many business groups and politicians in Georgia supported the legislation. However, an analysis of government data shows that, since 2000, all of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in Georgia has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is the case even though the native-born accounted for 54 percent of growth in the state’s total working-age population. Perhaps worst of all, the labor force participation rate of Georgia’s natives shows no improvement through the first part of this year despite the economic recovery.
Among the findings:
The total number of working-age (16 to 65) immigrants (legal and illegal) holding a job in Georgia increased by 400,000 from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2014, while the number of working-age natives with a job declined by 71,000 over the same time frame.
The fact that all the long-term net gain in employment among the working-age went to immigrants is striking because natives accounted for 54 percent of the increase in the total size of the state’s working-age population.
In the first quarter of this year, only 64 percent of working-age natives in the state held a job. As recently as 2000, 74 percent of working-age natives in Georgia were working.
Because the native working-age population in Georgia grew significantly, but the share working actually fell, there were 684,000 more working-age natives not working in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000 — a 52 percent increase.
Perhaps most troubling is that the labor force participation rate (share working or looking for work) of Georgia’s working-age natives has not improved, even after the jobs recovery began in 2010.1
In fact, the labor force participation of natives in Georgia shows a long-term decline, with the rate lower at the last economic peak in 2007 than at the prior peak in 2000.
The supply of potential workers in Georgia is very large: In the first quarter of 2014, two million working-age natives were not working (unemployed or entirely out of the labor market), as were 208,000 working-age immigrants.
In terms of the labor-force participation rate among working-age natives, the state ranks 36th in the nation.
Two key conclusion from the state’s employment situation:
First, the long-term decline in employment for natives in Georgia and the enormous number of working-age natives not working clearly indicates that there is no general labor shortage in the state. Thus, it is very difficult to justify the large increases in foreign workers (skilled and unskilled) that would be allowed into the country by a bill like S.744.
Second, Georgia’s working-age immigrant population grew 167 percent from 2000 to 2014, one of the highest of any state in the nation. Yet the number of working-age natives working in 2014 was actually lower than in 2000. This undermines the argument that immigration, on balance, increases job opportunities for natives.
MORE HERE http://cis.org/georgia-employment-growth-since-2000-went-to-immigrants
September 10, 2014
Marietta Daily Journal
Letters to the editor
Illegals working indirectly for city
September 09, 2014
I just read the article regarding those in Marietta who will have to foreclose on their properties due to failure to pay the city for mowing. I don’t know why anyone has to hire the city to mow their grass when they could save a lot of money simply by hiring an illegal Mexicano or Guatemalteco on Powder Springs Road. These “caballeros” will work for $8 an hour!
Oh, wait!!! I almost forgot — it’s illegal to hire illegals. However, the city is hiring them, indirectly, to do city landscaping, roadwork, etc.
I speak fluent Spanish. I lived and worked in Mexico, as well as spent time in Guatemala. Each time I see Latinos working on the streets of Marietta, I strike up a conversation with them (I need to practice my Español) and they willingly tell me they don’t have “papeles de trabajo” (working papers). Most don’t speak English and have been here a short time. They are hired indirectly through the contractors hired by the city.
They are from Guatemala — specifically, Quetzaltenango, San Marcos and Xela — where the “coyotes” run their deplorable, detestable, cruel and dangerous business of smuggling. The city knows this. However, I doubt they’re aware of the inhumane manner in which these “pobresitos” have arrived.
With so many folks out of work these days collecting government assistance, it would be wise for the contractors to look for workers at the Marietta library instead of the streets.
Oh, wait! — I almost forgot! That wouldn’t be cost efficient. Que lastima! (What a shame!)
Donna Kalish
HERE http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story/25735083/article-Illegals-working-indirectly-for-city?instance=lead_story_left_column#comment_reply_25737657
September 7, 2014
Black political leader$ have abandoned their constituents on immigration.
“In 1991, Coretta Scott King, along with members of the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus, signed a letter to Senator Orin Hatch arguing against his proposed repeal of sanctions against employers who hire illegal aliens because of the “the devastating impact the repeal would have on the economic condition of un- and semi-skilled workers — a disproportionate number of whom are African American and Hispanic.” Their efforts were unsuccessful, however, such sanctions have never really been enforced. That every one of the 43 black Democrats currently in the House and Senate has taken the opposite position in the latest amnesty talks suggests that they don’t fully appreciate their own history.”
September 5, 2014
Hello, Fulton County Commissioners…
ICE warns of consequences following passage of Fulton’s resolution
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Thursday cited public safety concerns in reacting to a new Fulton County resolution that urges Sheriff Ted Jackson to stop cooperating with the federal agency.
“The release of a serious criminal offender to the community, rather than to ICE custody, undermines ICE’s ability to protect public safety and impedes us from enforcing the nation’s immigration laws,” ICE spokesman Vincent Picard said in an email Thursday.
Picard added the same scenario “creates an officer safety issue when ICE officers have to attempt to apprehend the most serious offenders outside a controlled penal setting.”
Fulton’s resolution asks Jackson to prevent ICE from using county facilities for “investigative interviews or other purposes.” It also says county personnel shall not spend time communicating with ICE under certain conditions. Further, it urges Jackson to not comply with ICE detainers, which are official requests for jails to hold inmates beyond their scheduled release dates so ICE can take custody of them and attempt to deport them.
Fulton Commission Chairman John Eaves said he voted for Wednesday’s resolution based on several concerns about the detainers, including “the damage they may inflict upon the relationship between our law enforcement officers and our immigrant community.”
On Thursday, ICE disclosed it had issued 30 detainers to the Fulton jail between July and August. Of those, 15 were for immigrants who were in the country illegally and who had been convicted of “Level 1” crimes. That category includes homicide, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated assault, extortion, sexual assault and other sex offenses, cruelty toward children, hit-and-run and certain felony drug crimes.
Approved Wednesday by a vote of 6-0, the resolution says the federal government is not reimbursing Fulton for the costs to comply with ICE detainers. But the federal government awarded Fulton $8,878 in funding this fiscal year for incarcerating immigrants without legal status. Counties become eligible for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program money by incarcerating such inmates — who have at least one felony or two misdemeanor convictions — for at least four consecutive days. The funding helps counties pay for deputy salaries, jail maintenance and rehabilitation programs for inmates.
Fulton Commissioner Liz Hausmann abstained from voting on the county resolution Wednesday, saying she was hesitant to support it without input from the sheriff and other public safety officials.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has requested an interview with the sheriff about the resolution. A spokeswoman for Jackson on Wednesday issued a statement about the county jail’s handling of ICE detainers.
“If an inmate has local charges and has an ICE detainer request, then that inmate is held on the local charges only,” Tracy Flanagan, a spokeswoman for Jackson, said by email. “Once the local case is resolved, ICE is notified. Persons are not held once they are scheduled for release.”
Office of Commissioner Liz Hausmann
MEDIA CONTACT: Edward Leidelmeijer
September 4, 2014
Johns Creek, GA- The Fulton County Board of Commissioners took a vote yesterday on a resolution urging the Fulton County Sheriff to implement a policy to decline detainer requests from the United States Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
In other words, a resolution directing law enforcement on how to do their job.
As has happened often in the past, the Fulton BOC has once again taken a position on a matter that is not within the purview of the authority of the Board of Commissioners. In my opinion, this resolution falls into the category of politically motivated, feel good legislation in an election year that is outside of the authority of my duties as a county commissioner. As such, I chose not to participate in this vote and abstained. In retrospect, the proper vote should have been a NO vote.
At a time when Fulton County is facing financial crisis coupled with legal challenges to our authority to raise property taxes in an effort address that financial crisis, this type of legislation is a distraction that takes our attention away from the important financial matters facing Fulton County. This legislation carries no authority, and attempts to direct a duly elected Constitutional Officer on how to conduct the operations of the Fulton County Sheriff’s office. This legislation was presented and voted on without any input from the Sheriff. I find that totally inappropriate and outside of the authority of a county commissioner.
I trust that the Sheriff is conducting his operations in compliance with state and federal laws and I have confidence that he and his deputies will continue to operate with public safety as their number one priority. This includes cooperation with ICE.
Commissioner Liz Hausmann represents District 3, North Fulton on the Fulton County Board of Commissioners.
September 4, 2014
LaTimes: Nearly 1 in 10 California workers are in country illegally, study finds HERE
MEDIA ADVISORY September 4, 2014
Well-known Georgia immigration watchdog group condemns dangerous anti-enforcement vote by Fulton County Board of Commissioners to assist in the escape of fugitive illegal aliens
The Dustin Inman Society (DIS)
Marietta, Ga. 30066
Yesterday, the seven commissioners of metro-Atlanta’s Fulton County capitulated to Georgia’s well-funded illegal alien lobby and voted 6-0 to urge Sheriff Ted Jackson to stifle cooperation with ICE Agents on enforcement of immigration laws.
In Georgia, County Sheriffs hold an independent constitutional office separate from the authority of the county commission. The resolution is not binding.
Approved today was agenda item14-0683: “Request approval of a Resolution urging the Fulton County Sheriff or the Sheriff’s Designee to implement a policy to decline detainer requests from the United States Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement; to proceed with caution when presented with such detainer requests; and for other purposes.” (Garner/Edwards)
“Perhaps the most cowardly and treacherous of the seven anti-enforcement commissioners was Republican Liz Hausmann, who abstained from voting on the resolution that would help illegal aliens avoid capture by federal authorities if the sheriff were to comply with this idiocy” remarked DIS president D.A. King.
“These characters are part of why we call our state “Georgiafornia” said King, referring to the downhill slide of the world capital of illegal immigration, California. According to DHS, Georgia has more illegals than Arizona. In 2011, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal estimated that state taxpayers lost $2.4 billion each year to illegal immigration. Deal, now in a close race for re-election, has been largely silent on the topic since then.
King says “there is more involved than mindless, collaborating politicians and the Chamber of Commerce.”
“This idiocy is the work of the corporate-funded illegal alien lobby, including the ACLU and former MALDEF goon Jerry Gonzalez of the Jane Fonda-funded GALEO Inc.” King, explained. “The Georgia ACLU’s “Detention Watch Network” has long campaigned to convince local law enforcement agencies to ignore the indisputable public safety dangers of criminal illegal aliens. They have struggled to attempt to kill the highly successful 287 g program and demand an end to the practice of participating in ICE “holds” when the federal agency makes a detainer request on suspicious persons in local custody.”
Along with other extremist groups, the anti-borders ACLU is now distributing a state-wide letter seeking the support of legal professionals in pressuring law enforcement in Georgia to ignore public safety.
“Georgia has an ongoing unemployment crisis. Wages are stagnant. The Obama regime released 169 convicted-killer illegal aliens from deportation proceedings last year, seven of which had Georgia zip codes. The Fulton Commissioners are obviously not only unconcerned about their own poor people losing jobs and benefits to ‘victims of borders,’ but here we see their contempt for the safety and security of the very Americans who elected them – not to mention their own families” ended King.
Named for a sixteen year-old Woodstock, Georgia youth who lost his life to our unsecured borders and operated on donations, the Dustin Inman Society is pro-English language and opposed to too-high legal immigration levels, illegal immigration and illegal employment. King has assisted state lawmakers with immigration–related legislation since 2006.
September 2, 2014
Marietta Daily Journal
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Obama amnesty plan a ‘security nightmare’
D.A. King
It has come to our attention many readers are unaware last year the Obama administration released 169 illegal aliens from deportation proceedings who have already been convicted of “homicide-related crimes” in the U.S. Yes, some of these individuals are murderers.
I am not making this up. Seven of the illegal alien killers released came from zip codes in Georgia — one of them in Cobb. It is impossible to provide the names of these criminals, as the feds will not release that secret because of “privacy rights.”
Like most Americans, when interviewed on an Atlanta TV station about this madness, Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren was outraged and concerned about public safety and security.
But not to worry, says local illegal alien defender Rich Pellegrino, who assured the same station these killer illegals are not a threat to public safety. You may have seen Pellegrino around town wearing a T-shirt that reads “We Are All Undocumented.”
Back here on Earth, Jessica Vaughn, director of Policy Studies at the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies says “according to ICE data, about 50 percent of criminal aliens will re-offend after release.” ICE should prioritize protecting the public over freeing criminals who are going to be deported.” (Along with more details you can see the two local TV segments linked on my MDJ blog.)
The 169 killer illegal aliens released were part of a larger group of 36,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens released from ICE custody onto American streets in 2013.
CIS revealed earlier this year that the convicted-criminal illegal aliens freed by ICE in many instances had multiple convictions, nearly 88,000 in all. They include: 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault, 303 kidnapping, 1,075 aggravated assault, 9,187 dangerous drug convictions, 16,070 drunk or drugged driving and 303 flight escape convictions.
Feel safer? Note: As of Thursday noon, I cannot find any mention of this threat from any of our Georgia elected officials — at any level — except the Cobb Sheriff.
The Obama regime says they have no choice but to release these criminals because the illegals’ home countries won’t take them back. But most of these nations still receive financial aid and their new emigres are still allowed to obtain visas to enter the U.S.
You may want to ask the members of the Georgia delegation to Washington about that one. I will.
In another action of what could easily be labeled as an on-going coup d’etat in the Republic he has sworn to protect and serve, the president of the United States has promised to soon side-step Congress and federal law on immigration enforcement. Again.
American workers be damned, Obama is indicating to the far-left and the Chamber of Commerce that he will not only unilaterally expand the number of green cards issued each year, but also ensure that some, if not most, illegal aliens be given official amnesty on deportation during his reign. And be awarded work permits.
Obama’s reported plan to provide administrative amnesty to 5 million illegals presents “a security nightmare,” according to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who fears it could make it easier for terrorists to carry out an attack on the United States.
Unless Dear Leader has tossed this security provision along with the Rule of Law, currently, applicants for the work permit — known as an Employment Authorization Document — are required to submit fingerprints with their EAD application.
Republicans running for federal office as conservatives — including for president — should be vetted for a rock-solid promise on their intention to A) reverse any executive action from Dear Leader outlined above and B) to use the fingerprints collected from the “victims of borders” to track, capture and process these illegal aliens with deportation proceedings if they ever restore the republic surrendered to the disciple of Saul Alinsky who now occupies the White House.
D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. Twitter: @DAKDIS
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Obama amnesty plan a security nightmare