July 31, 2014

The Real Deal – Georgia Governor Nathan Deal hosts illegal aliens lobby in his office – one week after sending angry letter to Obama on illegal aliens VIDEO

Posted by D.A. King at 9:54 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

July 30, 2014

D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal today Immigration and ‘the children’: Obama’s border crisis a setup and Georgia’s not ready Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Immigration and the children Obama s border crisis a setup and Georgia s not ready

Posted by D.A. King at 9:52 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Marietta Daily Journal

July 30, 2014

D.A. King

Immigration and ‘the children’: Obama’s border crisis a setup and Georgia’s not ready

After three years of silence on immigration in Georgia, Gov. Nathan Deal fired off an angry letter to President Barack Obama last week concerning 1,154 illegal alien “unaccompanied minors” being secretly shipped to Georgia. He says some legislators are complaining about increased school enrollments.

Like many other governors across the nation, it seems Deal is upset Dear Leader didn’t inform the governor’s office about the influx of new illegal aliens.

Because the MSM — including the Atlanta newspapers — is offering up the usual agenda-driven and intentionally low-information version of coverage on all things “immigration,” here are some inconvenient facts on “the humanitarian, unaccompanied children, border crisis.”

This chaos was created by Barack Obama with the Saul Alinsky-designed intention of crashing the entire American immigration enforcement system, creating a last- minute vehicle for another congressional amnesty and importing as many future Democratic voters as possible.

The results of a GOP-run House vote Thursday on a deceptive “appropriations” bill will show us if the Republicans play along. They have been warned that passing this legislation could serve as a “Trojan Horse” for reviving the Senate’s amnesty bill.

The majority of “the children” aren’t children. Or “unaccompanied.” Most of the “children” that we are told every half-hour somehow made it 1,500 miles from Central America to Texas alone are actually teens, according to the Pew Research Center. Some are gang members. Border patrol agents who come in contact with these “children” are reporting cases of scabies.

And unless you know where to look you aren’t going to find out about the freshly-shaven new “children” with gray hair who claim to be teens while applying for asylum and enrollment in American schools, but who don’t have a scrap of documentation.

The Washington Times reports according to Border Patrol statistics, most of the illegal alien “children” apprehended in the recent border rush are actually entire families. Less than one-fourth of all those apprehended are unaccompanied alien children from Central America.

“The number of illegally arriving families shot up five times faster than UAC arrivals over last year” says the news report.

Information from an actual study of and report on the facts on “the children” from the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies doesn’t help the Obama fairy tale.

“Despite the attention it has received, by its own terms, the ‘William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008’ — a law aimed, in part, at “unaccompanied alien children” who are victims of trafficking — may have little applicability to the current situation on the border. It appears that a significant majority of children coming across are not “unaccompanied alien children” according to the definition found in federal law. Federal law defines an “unaccompanied alien child” as an illegal alien under the age of 18 who is without “a parent or legal guardian in the United States.” Data from government agencies suggest the overwhelming majority of minors arriving on the U.S. border have family in the United States. 

The CIS report, goes on: “There is little evidence to suggest that the recent arrivals are victims of trafficking, which involves coercion. Instead, families and their children are willing participants in smuggling operations, having paid smugglers (up to $10K) to bring them into the United States.” As ICE explains, “Human trafficking and human smuggling are distinct criminal activities, and the terms are not interchangeable.”

What Georgians — including Deal — should understand and prepare for is that all of this deceit isn’t even the main event in Obama’s scheme. Assuming the House Republicans stand strong Thursday, that would be an administrative amnesty declaration which is likely coming in the next month or so, unless he is stopped.

Deal and the leadership of the Georgia state Legislature were warned numerous times over the last year that Barack Obama would expand his 2012 “deferred action” on deportation for many, if not most, illegal aliens in the nation if the House refuses to allow a path to the Rubio-Schumer senate amnesty scam pushed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the far left.

While Deal remained silent, in the 2014 session, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce convinced the Establishment Republicans in leadership positions under the Gold Dome to kill legislation aimed at preparing Georgia for Obama’s unconstitutional action. A bill intended to alter Georgia law so that “deferred action” illegal aliens could not legally access most public benefits — including driver’s licenses — was declared “anti-business” and killed.

Georgia has more illegals than Arizona. With an estimated population of 400,000 or so “victims of borders” in Georgia, you may by wondering why the sudden angry fuss from a few legislators and Deal about Obama secretly adding 1,154 more.

Try this: The November election is in about 100 days.

D.A. King of east Cobb is president of The Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized expert on immigration.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Immigration and the children Obama s border crisis a setup and Georgia s not ready

July 27, 2014

MEDIA ADVISORY Dustin Inman Society leader, D.A. King, urges Governor Deal to issue a proclamation calling for an August special session of the General Assembly for the purpose of altering state law regarding public benefits to illegal aliens – D.A. King

Posted by D.A. King at 10:18 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

ACTION NEEDED! Please call the office of Georgia Governor Nathan Deal 404-656-1776 and leave a polite message: “We want a special legislative session this summer to head off the Obama regime’s coming amnesty. Change the state law to stop drivers licenses and other public benefits from goimg to illegal aliens in Georgia!” Call now! Call often! Tell your cousin to call!

MEDIA ADVISORY 28 July, 2014

Georgia-based pro-enforcement immigration group urges Governor Deal to issue a proclamation calling for an August special session of the General Assembly for the purpose of altering state law regarding public benefits to illegal aliens

The Dustin Inman Society
3595 Canton Rd. A-9/337
Marietta, Ga. 30066
Contact: D.A. King

Dustin Inman Society president D.A. King today announced a statewide campaign to convince Georgia Governor Nathan Deal to call for a special session of the Republican dominated legislature with a goal of altering state law to insure that no illegal aliens rewarded with any past or future “deferred action” on deportation by the out-of control Obama regime are able to access state-issued drivers licenses or other public benefits not required by actual federal law.

“We respectfully warned Georgia legislators and the Governor throughout 2013 that President Barack Obama would illegally grant defacto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens when congress refused to buckle on another amnesty. Obama has now announced his intention to expand “deferred action” on immigration law enforcement to millions more illegal aliens, perhaps in August. Under current state law, this action would serve to allow even more illegals here to access array of public benefits, including a drivers license.

King makes it clear that deferred action on deportation does not change the illegal status of the alien beneficiary. “According to the law, they are still illegal aliens” he said today.

Georgia already has more illegal aliens than Arizona and ranks seventh in that population according to the latest estimates from DHS. “On protection and immigration enforcement, it looks like it is every state for themselves in the remains of the American Republic” said King. “We are already arguably on our way to becoming ‘Georgiafornia. Rewarding perhaps hundreds of thousands additional illegals in Georgia and allowing them even more benefits could sink the state budget. And end the Rule of Law.

King points to two attempts to clarify and improve existing state law on deferred action and public benefits in the Republican-controlled General Assembly during the 2014 session which were defeated at the behest of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and big business. “I spoke to Governor Deal myself about this issue a year ago and was stunned at the lack of concern and response” King added. “It is true that the usual suspects will scream about litigation and “human rights abuses” if the Governor and the Republicans give themselves a second chance to safeguard Georgians on this crisis. But all concerned should be reminded that working with the state’s Attorney General, Governor Dave Heineman of Nebraska has stood strong against the illegal alien lobby and recently saw a federal judge toss a lawsuit aimed at special treatment for illegals filed the George Soros-funded Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).

We are 100 days out from the November election noted King, “thousands of Georgians are watching to see who really governs Georgia and if the state Republican Party is run by big business and the ACLU or by elected officials who ran as conservatives.”

King said he hopes members of many other pro-American groups in the state will make their case to Governor Deal and their state legislators as well. “We just heard the Governor complain about 1154 new illegals from Central America being dumped in Georgia. We expect him and the legislature to take actual action before Obama strikes again. Call it a mulligan from some very outraged and attentive conservative voters” ended a determined King.

July 24, 2014

D.A. King on Ted cruz, victims of borders and enforcement in Fox News Latino

Posted by D.A. King at 12:00 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

“What the now panicked Democrats are calling Cruz’s ‘hardline stance’ on immigration is what conservatives simply call ‘enforcement,’” King said. “It looks like Cruz is holding fast on giving Obama more money to enforce immigration law only if he stops refusing to enforce the immigration law… Cruz simply wants the promise of not extending the DACA trick to more ‘victims of borders.’”

Fox News Latino
July 21, 2014

Sen. Ted Cruz Moves Front And Center In GOP Response To Border Crisis

The driver’s seat in the GOP’s push for a tough response to the soaring border crisis is occupied by a familiar face – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz.

Cruz, the Texas lawmaker who led GOP opposition to President Obama’s health care policy and was a major player in the party’s stance on the government shutdown, is now a driving force in the heated fight in Washington, D.C., over how to address the tens of thousands of Central Americans who have illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in the last year alone.

On Saturday, Cruz toured a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) facility in McAllen, Texas, that is housing unaccompanied minors.

Last Thursday, Cruz took direct aim at Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, a 2012 initiative that suspends deportation for certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as minors. Cruz, and many of his fellow Republicans in Congress, never supported DACA, seeing it as a reward to lawbreakers.

Now he and many Republicans say DACA and other such initiatives by the Obama administration have created an incentive for Central American parents to send their children on the dangerous trip to the border.

Cruz filed a measure that, among other things, bars the administration from using tax money to expand DACA – something many supporters of it are seeking – and to provide work permits to people who do not have a lawful immigration status. He also plans to outline recommendations for reforming immigration policy.

“We all recognize the terrible humanitarian crisis that is occurring at the border, and all of us should come together to end the policies that have caused it,” said Cruz in a statement about his bill. “Tens of thousands of children are being smuggled into the United States by dangerous drug cartels and transnational gangs; it is heartless to allow that to continue.”

“The staggering conditions that children are being subjected to are a direct result of the amnesty that President Obama illegally and unilaterally enacted in 2012,” the statement continued, “which caused the number of unaccompanied minors to skyrocket. The only way to stop the border crisis is to stop President Obama’s amnesty.”

Cruz also has worked on legislation to make it easier to send these minors back home and to authorize the use of the National Guard when there is a crisis at the border.

Those who want more lenient treatment of the minors, including a greater focus by the administration on trying to help them stay here, criticized Cruz’s moves.

They say that raging poverty and violence are looming factors in the reasons people flee Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to come to the United States. Taking aim at DACA, they say, which the recent waves of minors from Central American do not qualify for, is misguided.

“To deal with Central American children at the border, he wants to revoke DACA,” said Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice, which advocates for immigrants, “which would leave Dreamers vulnerable to deportation two years after President Obama gave these talented and long-established individuals work permits and protection against deportation.”

Sharry told Fox News Latino, “Cruz will get what he wants, which is lots of media attention and lots of love from the extreme right, but it won’t help his party.” He added, “In fact, it will help harden the feeling among Latinos and immigrants that the GOP is an anti-immigrant party, and make it harder for the Republicans to take back the White House in 2016 and beyond.”

Conservatives, in contrast, again see Cruz as a hero for challenging D.C. politics and for taking a tough approach on the border crisis.

“Hooray for Ted Cruz!” said D.A. King, president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society, which favors strict immigration enforcement, to FNL. “Pro-enforcement Americans should send him a fruit basket for his courage and common sense.”

King, a nationally known activist, said that the Obama administration could stop the border crisis by enforcing the existing laws. King says that the administration must focus efforts on tightening the border and not on relaxing immigration laws.

He argues that the push by conservatives to beef up border security dramatically is bolstered by the misperception many of the Central Americans are reported to have, that if they reach the U.S. they can eventually gain legal status. King said any break for any undocumented immigrants amounts to rewarding law-breakers and invites more illegal immigration.

“What the now panicked Democrats are calling Cruz’s ‘hardline stance’ on immigration is what conservatives simply call ‘enforcement,’” King said. “It looks like Cruz is holding fast on giving Obama more money to enforce immigration law only if he stops refusing to enforce the immigration law… Cruz simply wants the promise of not extending the DACA trick to more ‘victims of borders.’”

Elizabeth Llorente can be reached at elizabeth.llorente@foxnewslatino.com

July 23, 2014

Illegal alien street screamers in the hallways of the U.S. Congress…

Posted by D.A. King at 11:37 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Future Republican voters?


This is the clearest explanation I’ve seen of why the Wilberforce Act DOES NOT require unaccompanied minor children to be admitted at the border. It’s being circulated by NumbersUSA, but if you haven’t seen it, it’s a must watch.

Posted by D.A. King at 11:14 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


July 22, 2014

Illegal aliens fly in USA with NO ID…

Posted by D.A. King at 11:09 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

July 20, 2014

Wall St. Journal still at it: OPEN BORDERS -In Praise of Huddled Masses (Cont’d) The increasingly free movement of ideas and capital needs to be matched by the free movement of people.

Posted by D.A. King at 1:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Getty images


In Praise of Huddled Masses (Cont’d)

The increasingly free movement of ideas and capital needs to be matched by the free movement of people.


July 6, 2014

The U.S. is at a low point in a long history of failed immigration policy: President Obama announced last week there will be no reform bill and asked Congress for $2 billion to clear the border, where tens of thousands of Latin American children are languishing in camps, lured by false rumors they could stay.

This means the estimated 11 million people who have been living in the country illegally will remain, with de facto amnesty but no path to citizenship. It means tens of thousands of foreign-born technologists trained in the U.S., and untold numbers of entrepreneurs, will go home to China and India or become Canadians or Australians.

How did the U.S. lose touch with its immigrant roots? Beyond today’s partisan bickering, the larger problem is that politicians make the mistake of treating people seeking to build an American life as burdens instead of as benefits. This is not the first time.

Thirty years ago, on July 3, 1984, The Wall Street Journal published an editorial titled “In Praise of Huddled Masses.” It said: “If Washington still wants to ‘do something’ about immigration, we propose a five-word constitutional amendment: There shall be open borders.”

That was an ideal rather than an immediate prescription. “Perhaps this policy is overly ambitious in today’s world, but the U.S. became the world’s envy by trumpeting precisely this kind of heresy,” the editorial said. “Our greatest heresy is that we believe in people as the greatest resource of our land.” (note: The WSJ also called for open borders HERE)

The editorial was provocative, including to nativist conservatives; a writer for National Review called it the “high-water mark of loony libertarianism.” There is a tradition of anonymity among editorial writers, but let’s just say I had something to do with that editorial, which was approved by the late Robert Bartley, the Journal’s longtime editor.

The editorial appeared during the debate about the Simpson-Mazzoli bill, which passed in 1986 and remains the last broad reform of immigration. That law gave asylum to three million people living here illegally. But it criminalized the hiring of undocumented aliens and did little to manage the borders. It failed to establish clear paths to citizenship or establish any measure for how large the population should become.

Still, Simpson-Mazzoli welcomed more people as citizens during a time of divided government. The president, Ronald Reagan, and the Senate were Republican, the House Democratic—the inverse of today’s Washington. But this was “Morning in America,” and Reagan’s favorite words were “growth” and “opportunity.” Mr. Obama is presiding over a fifth year of 2% growth, with his favorite words being “inequality,” “us” and “them.”

During its first hundred years, the U.S. had open borders. The Declaration of Independence had charged King George with “Obstructing the Laws for the Naturalization of Foreigners” and “Refusing to encourage their Migration hither.” Waves of 19th-century immigrants arrived from Ireland, Italy, Eastern Europe and elsewhere, each group quickly contributing and ultimately assimilating. Racist laws limiting Asian immigration and establishing ethnic quotas were eventually abolished.

Economics strongly favors more immigration. The Congressional Budget Office last year estimated that legalizing the 11 million undocumented immigrants would boost federal revenues by $48 billion over 10 years while costing $23 billion in public services. Adding more skilled workers would bring in $100 billion over a decade, mostly from increased income taxes.

There is consensus for more work visas for farm and construction workers. There is broad agreement on the Dream Act, giving residents who arrived as children a fast track to citizenship. Silicon Valley is beyond frustrated. Steve Jobs fell out with Mr. Obama in 2011 when the president, insisting that only comprehensive reform would do, rejected a proposal to give visas to every foreign student earning a college degree in science, technology, engineering and math. “It infuriates me,” Jobs said.

We should be having a debate about immigration that acknowledges that the increasingly free movement of ideas and capital needs to be matched by the free movement of people. We should also ask whether there’s any reason the U.S. should only have one-third the population of India and one-quarter the population of China.

That 1984 editorial included a qualification: “So long as we keep our economy free, more people means more growth, the more the merrier.” Government policy has made the economy less free and encouraged a crabbed, protectionist attitude toward immigration.

The editorial concluded: “America, above all, is a nation founded upon optimism. . . . The issue is not what we offer the teeming masses, but what they offer us: their hands, their minds, their spirit, and above all the chance to be true to our own past and our own future.” Let’s hope that observation proves to be as timely today.


July 18, 2014

Mexico y Guatemala: Let’s partner-up to flood USA with illegal aliens!

Posted by D.A. King at 10:22 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

“Earlier this week, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference to formally announce a new program that will allow Guatemalan citizens to legally travel through Mexico in their effort to enter the United States illegally. Guatemala is one of three sending countries accounting for most of the illegal aliens coming across the U.S.-Mexico border during the ongoing surge. The agreement grants Guatemalans 72 hours of legal status while they make their journey to the U.S.

The “Southern Border Program to Improve Passage” will increase the number of border checkpoints along the Mexico-Guatemala border, provide medical care, and offer Guatemalans a Regional Visitor’s Card. The card grants Guatemalans enough time to make the trek to Mexico’s northern border.

The program will also offer protection and financial assistance for unaccompanied minors who attempt to make the journey.” HERE

Who said that? The United States cannot be expected to give sanctuary to every single child in the world…”

Posted by D.A. King at 10:19 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

“We cannot give these children sanctuary except in extraordinary circumstances. Obviously we have refugee status and protective status for people, but the whole sale coming over the border of teens to less is not sustainable in the United States. …

“Look, you’ve got to make sure these children are safe in your country. The United States cannot be expected to give sanctuary to every single child in the world that is exposed to danger in their country because of the failure of the country’s government or local municipality’s government to assist in keeping their own children safe.”


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