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Jan Barton’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on HB 87 yesterday

Jan Barton, a DIS supporter and friend sent me the text of her terrific presentation to the House Judiciary Committee (non civil) on her support for HB 87, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011, by Georgia Rep. Matt Ramsey yersterday. I thought you would like to read it.

The news video is posted below.

You can also see that the anti-enforcement, open borders mob is not above using the name of God and religion to destroy America, advance another amnesty and give the invaders the right to vote.

Thank you Jan Barton – and all of the pro-American supporters who took the time to go to the Capitol for the hearings – for your courage. The illegal alien lobby was succesful in brealking many rules and intimidating pro-enforcement Americans inside the Georgia Capitol without any action from the Capitol Police. An issue that will be pursued next week.

Good morning Mr. Chairman and members of the committee.

My name is Jan Barton. I am an American. My husband and I live in Marietta. I love my country.

As testifying in any committee is an unusual event for me, I have chosen to read from my prepared statement. But I mean each and every word.

I am by any definition a “regular, everyday Georgia citizen.” That puts me in the large majority of Georgians who have had far more than enough of watching the crimes of illegal immigration and illegal employment take away our jobs, our rule of law, lower our wages and alter our state and steal our common language.

I have taken the time out of my day to come to the Capitol for each of the joint immigration hearings. And all of the hearings here on HB 87. I am here as a citizen voter to urge you to pass HB 87 out of this committee, to pass it out of the Georgia legislature and to do all due diligence to be sure that it is enforced, as all of our laws must be.

I am here to express my personal thanks to Representative Ramsey for his courage and hard work in crafting this important bill. I am here to thank Senator Chip Rogers for beginning this process in 2006.

Please let me add my voice to the majority of Georgians who cannot be here today: We will no longer remain silent while our jobs are being filled by illegal aliens who got away from our brave border patrol agents. We clearly see that we have a budget crisis and will not stand by while our state government allows services and benefits to go to people who have no legal right to be here because of orders from the business community.

The most important section of Rep Ramsey’s bill is the E-Verify requirement to obtain or renew a business license. I urge you to stand up to the Chamber of Commerce, the Farm Bureau and the other powerful and wealthy groups who are anti-enforcement. I have watched them sit here and insist that our immigration laws not apply to them. This is an un-American concept.

Because of the slanted reporting of many in our media, Georgians are only recently learning about the fact that the agriculture industry can get all the legal workers it needs with use of the H2A visa. But we are learning. The lobbyists that oppose enforcement and E-Verify who spoke to you here this week are not fooling most of us…I hope they are not fooling you.

They are demanding to be regarded as somehow above the law while the rest of us subsidize the illegal labor they use. They oppose enforcement and E-Verify because they know it works.

They are asking you and the rest of the legislature continue to continue to grant a state amnesty to illegal aliens and their illegal employers. I came today – with great respect for the elected office you hold – to ask you all to serve Georgia and protect and defend our constitution. I am asking you to do the right thing.

Change will come to the Georgia legislature if the anti-enforcement special interest groups win out over the people and laws of Georgia.

I read that about 1000 businesses enroll in E-Verify every week voluntarily. And that more than 16,000 employers are already using E-Verify in Georgia in an effort to do the right thing.

I heard D.A. King earlier this week sit here and admonish you to decide if Georgia will be pro-enforcement and pro-American or be seen as anti-enforcement. I agree with Mr. King. You must make a decision.

Governor Perdue repeatedly promised to support this sort of legislation during his campaign and to support and promote the required use of the no cost E-Verify program. This is not Atlanta vs South Georgia or Democrat vs Republican. This is about right vs wrong and protecting our children’s future and the American and legal immigrant workers in Georgia.

If you listen to the rich lobbyists, what do I say to my grandchildren when they ask why we didn’t stop illegal immigration?

I am grateful for my time here today and once again thank Matt Ramsey and urge all of you to join him, Governor Deal and the majority of law-abiding Georgians in demonstrating your sense of duty and opposition to illegal immigration here in our beloved state.

If not enforcement now…when? We already have proven that amnesty only creates more illegal immigration.

Thank you Mr. Chairman.