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On Jay On Bookman’s column today’s AJC

On immigration, Jay Bookman has a long and clear anti-enforcement agenda and supports another amnesty. Fine, no surprise there.

Those who trust in his intention to present a valid, complete and fair argument against enforcement and use of E-Verify must assume (ahhhemmm) that he also lacked the space in his column to inform both of his regular readers of the existence of something known as the federal “H2A” agricultural worker visa.

The visa allows the Ag industry to import an unlimited number of legal workers to work on our farms. But they must be paid fairly and treated like human beings – and provided workman’s compensation insurance. And decent housing. So, obviously, the growers choose to keep hiring the taxpayer-supported illegals who escaped capture at our borders. You won’t hear a peep about the H2A visa from the Farm Bureau or the Chamber. It kills their empty “no labor” argument

For the Bookman agenda, the H2A visa must remain hidden from the public in order to subvert enforcement. The H2A workers are temporary and seasonal. They will go home in three years. Too difficult to create the illusion of “oppressed victims.” And future Democrat voters.

By these standards, Bookman did a great job with his propaganda piece.