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MEDIA ADVISORY: Dustin Inman Society reaction to initial reading of SB 40: “Preposterous”

MEDIA ADVISORY 3 February 2011

The Dustin Inman Society
3595 Canton Rd. A-9/337
Marietta, Ga. 30066
Contact: D.A. King DA@TheDustinInmanSociety.or g

Dustin Inman Society reaction to initial reading of SB 40: “Preposterous”

In its present form, the Dustin Inman Society opposes SB 40 and will work for substantial changes in its language or its demise in committee.

“On illegal employment, the bill’s author has excluded so many industries from the badly needed required statewide use of the no-cost federal E-Verify system so as to make it a parody of an employment enforcement bill. We also wonder what the phrase “or similar type of application” can possibly mean” noted D.A. King, DIS founder.

“We hope this bill will be the object of greater scrutiny by all concerned.” he added.

From SB 40:
Lines “106 (b) This Code section shall not apply to any person or entity who has filed an H-1 or H-2
107 application, or similar type of application, with the United States Department of Labor.”

We respectfully note that all concerned would be well-served if the news media would finally acknowledge the existence of the H2A [1] visa and provide a short education on this program that allows an unlimited number of legal foreign temporary workers to be imported to work in the nation’s agriculture industry – including Georgia’s. These workers are more expensive to use than illegals who escaped capture at our borders because they cannot be treated as 21st century slaves.

We do like the penalties imposed on official agencies that illegally administer public benefits and the requirement that non-citizens obey longstanding federal law that aliens carry and present federally issued documents demonstrating lawful presence in the U.S. We praise Senator Murphy for these badly needed features and urge him to eliminate the preposterous exclusions on E-Verify use.

Senator Murphy has excluded workers in the entire H1 and H2 visa categories from verification at hiring. Information on the H1 & H2 visas and the industries they can affect below from a simple Google search. This is not meant to be a comprehensive explanation of the visas.

We hope that we have read the bill incorrectly or have overlooked some language that will prove us wrong.

“The H category visa enables one to immigrate to the US as temporary workers. There are various types of H Visa, such as: H1, H 1B, H 2B, H3, and H4., H1A and H1C categories are available for registered nurses to come to the US for temporary employment. On the other hand, the H 1B visa is meant for foreign-based specialist knowledge workers (like scientists, programmers, engineers) to immigrate temporarily to the US for greater professional prospects. HERE [2]

H2B Visa for example

Who qualifies for an H2B visa
The H2B visa is available to employers of foreign non-professionals not working in the agricultural field. This visa is only available for work that is temporary in nature. For H2B purposes, that means:

H2B includes: Hospitality workers, Hotels / Motels, Chefs, Resorts and Theme Parks, Ticket Sales, Cruise ships, Construction workers, Maintenance, Janitorial, Ski Resorts, Landscaping, Golf Courses, Water parks, Security, Ride Operators, Restaurants and bars, Warehouse, Retail Stores. HERE [3]—–

The Dustin Inman Society is a Georgia-based coalition of Americans who have taken an active pro-enforcement position on immigration and employment laws