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And Mexico doesn’t export much of its poor to the U.S…

La Prensa Grafica (El Salvador)

Mexico Denies Existence of Armed Conflict to UN Committee

(Geneva)Mexico told the UN Committee on Rights that there is no conflict in Mexico whatsoever. Undersecretary for Legal Affairs and Human Rights Ministry of the Interior of Mexico, Felipe Zamora Castro, said the country is not involved in armed conflicts of an international nature. The report says that it is known there are paramilitary groups in its territory, but has no data on involvement of children in the armed groups. However, a group of nongovernmental organizations presented the Committee with information on “25000-30000 teenagers allegedly linked” to the “drug war”, and that already the drug war “has claimed 35,000 dead since December 2006″

http://tinyurl.com/4jno2u2 [1]