December 17, 2010

Inger Eberhart’s testimony to the Joint Committee on illegal immigration at the Georgia Capitol yesterday…and more

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The joint state legislative committee on illegal immigration in Georgia held their third and final hearing yesterday. Our Inger Eberhart was the last to address the committee members and went on after many non-rocket scientists told the committee that illegal aliens are only breaking the law because we have laws against illegal immigration. Really.

Below is the text of Inger’s testimony – it is partially in response to that of Angry Jerry Gonzalez of the pro-amnesty GALEO and others who are terrified that Georgia will begin to actually enforce the laws on the books and to pass laws like exist in Arizona. (We will, with your help). For those of you who have never seen little Angry Jerry, I am linking to his video HERE and HERE he proudly put up so you can see his testimony.

Know this: Before Jerry let lose with his angry, mindless, inaccurate and very disrespectful hissy- fit to committee members, there were three members of the committee who were less than firm on passing Arizona style immigration laws here. By the time Jerry Gonzalez left the room, the entire committee was firm in their determination to get legislation attacking illegal immigration and illegal employment passed and signed into law – and told me as much personally. They were amazed that someone like Jerry really exists.

We thank Gerado E. (Jerry) Gonzalez of GALEO for the help and clear demonstration of what an angry, mindless, truth-free, open borders anti-enforcment goon looks and acts like.


You can’t believe this socialist, race-baiting radical until you actually see him in action!

Inger did a spectacular job of showing the committee and the media the reasonable and pro-enforcement agenda of the majority of Americans who oppose the crime of illegal immigration. No less than eight of the committee members came up to me after the hearing to tell me how effective her presentation was. Including both Chairmen.


And thanks to all of you who called and emailed the committee members…it really helped that they got thousands of contacts from us and several of the legislators thanked me for your efforts. GOOD WORK!

Testimony of Inger Eberhart to the Georgia legislature joint comittee on illegal immigration 16 December, 2010 in the Georgia Capitol:

Good afternoon to both of the Chairmen and to members of the joint committee.

My name is Inger Eberhart. I live in Acworth and I am a proud member of the board of advisors of the Dustin Inman Society, a Georgia-based organization dedicated to enforcement of our immigration laws.

I volunteer my time to the Dustin Inman Society. Like the huge majority of Americans, I am against illegal immigration, I understand that states not only have the legal ability to address that crime and I know that illegal immigration is mostly caused by illegal employment. I also know that the word “immigrant” describes people who come to our nation lawfully.

As a respectful FYI for the committee: The nation that sends us the most legal immigration is Mexico, number two is China.

Like our federal government, I prefer to use the legal and accurate term for aliens here illegally… “Illegal aliens.”

I will be brief and am grateful for your time.

I was here for the last hearing and I was amused to hear that “Georgia is not Arizona” repeated numerous times. I want to publicly agree: Georgia really isn’t Arizona.

Georgia has MORE illegal aliens than Arizona.

In Arizona, it is unlikely that anyone testifying to a legislative committee would try to hide the fact that the U.S. has a work visa called H2A that allows an unlimited number of temporary foreign workers to be imported to help in our agricultural industry…but must be paid a living wage and decently housed.

These temporary workers do make poor subjects from which to create a victimized and oppressed political constituency for the anti-enforcement lobby.

Georgia ranks number six in the nation for its illegal population. Arizona ranks behind us at number seven. According to the federal government, Georgia suffered the highest rate of increase of illegal aliens of any nation in the country at 115%. Arizona’s percentage of increase was 42%.

Another example of Georgia not being Arizona: Arizona actually enforces the laws it has on the books aimed at illegal immigration. Georgia is not Arizona? No it isn’t…illegal aliens are fleeing Arizona in fear of the law. More than 100,000 illegal aliens have migrated out of Arizona since May.
Georgia is not Arizona? No we aren’t… according to media reports, about six and a half percent of Georgia’s workforce is illegal, higher than Arizona’s.

Georgia is not Arizona: I agree. One more example and the main thrust of my testimony today: Arizona has a state law that requires all employers to use the no-cost and very effective federal E-Verify program in an attempt to protect jobs there from black-market labor.

Let me say that again: Arizona law requires use of a free federal program that protects jobs for legal workers. Georgia would do well to try to protect jobs for Georgians in the same way. On the state level, E-Verify is only used to verify newly hired employees…not workers hired before authorization to use the program.

When I was here for the last hearing, I watched in astonishment as a witness proclaimed that use of E-Verify was somehow bad for a particular racial or ethnic group, that it was difficult to use and that E-Verify was little used.

Like most Americans, I am incensed at the race-baiting and want to make it clear that E-Verify is not only free, but accurate and easy to use.

More than 16,000 Georgia businesses use E-Verify as of the beginning of September. These are employers who have chosen to protect themselves from federal prosecution on hiring and to do the right thing by obeying the long standing laws on hiring illegal labor…. While Georgians stand in unemployment lines. While we struggle to find budget dollars to pay for benefits and services for illegal aliens who would leave Georgia if they could not steal a job from a Georgian.

In front of me please see a printed and bound list of the Georgia employers who are voluntarily using the no-cost E-Verify program as I speak. More than 16,000 of them. The placards in front of me are supplied by the federal government and required to be visibly displayed in each business that uses E-Verify. They serve as a great deterrent for job applicants who are here illegally and should be deported…not given a job coveted by Georgia citizens and real, legal immigrants.

This list was obtained from the federal government by Mr. D.A. King, who as president of the Dustin Inman Society, has been an E-Verify user since 2005 and an authority on the program.

Members of the committee – the ridiculous concept that E-Verify is anything other than an effective protection tool for legal workers in the USA and in Georgia is disingenuous and insulting. The anti-enforcement lobby that is terrified you will actually take steps to stop illegal immigration in Georgia is advocating for no less than a state amnesty for illegal aliens and illegal employers.

I am sure that the legislature is serious about stopping illegal immigration. The sure way to do that is to stop illegal employment.

I beseech you to consider legislation that will require each applicant for obtaining or renewing a business license in Georgia to swear on an affidavit that he or she is using and will continue to use the free- of -charge E-Verify system under penalty of false swearing.

In closing, I respectfully point out that the Governor-elect publicly supports this type of legislation, so there should be little question of it having a very good chance of passing. Please find a copy of language for such a bill in front of you…

Thank you very much for your time. I am happy to take any questions, but I want to make it clear that Mr. D.A. King is much better versed on the topic than I am.

I wish the committee good luck in its mission. Thank you again.