U.S. must learn from Mexico about immigration
Marietta Daily Journal
Rod Paramoure: U.S. must learn from Mexico about immigrationby Rod Paramoure
Guest Columnist
May 23, 2010
As in the situation of Kennesaw State University student Jessica Colotl, who was found to be an illegal immigrant, there are many human sides to the illegal immigration problem. In her case, she had been forced by her illegal immigrant parents to become Americanized, but she could not become an American citizen. Being on her own in a country that she could not claim, presented a nearly unsolvable dilemma.
Another dilemma is that most of us agree that the majority of the (probably illegal) immigrants that we encounter are decent, hard-working and honest people. With the exception of the murderous drug rings and other gangs, these immigrants are not a personal threat to our security. They are not like the terrorist Islamists we have allowed (often legally) to live in, and plot destruction of, the United States. However, our appreciation of the good character of Mexican immigrants does not alter the fact that they are here illegally.
To continue to permit, condone or encourage, this influx of foreign workers is a potential disaster for the existence of the America we know and love. A look at the society along either side of our Mexican border gives a clear indication of the future of our southwestern states. Our problem is not that immigrants come from Mexico; we have welcomed people from across the world, but we never before had a common border that threatened our sovereignty by making illegal immigration as easy as a daily commute.
Most Mexican-American families are fully integrated in our all-immigrant society, but many of the new immigrants are more committed to Mexico than to the United States. The proliferation of Mexican flags, protest signs in Spanish and the support of illegal immigration render their loyalty to the U. S. highly questionable. Although there is little in Mexican history, government or society that we would wish to emulate, it appears that some Mexican-American communities cling to their native land while living off American charity and good will. Adding insult to injury, the Mexican government meddles in our internal affairs and abets and encourages its citizens to illegally enter the U.S.
Proponents of open borders claim we need to import low-wage Mexican labor. This is nonsense for many reasons. In this land of opportunity, intelligent people will soon abandon low pay for better opportunities. Continuously importing replacement workers will eventually convert us into a Canadian-like, two-language country. In boom times, European countries imported foreigners as cheap labor; they are now stuck with unassimilated and unemployed minority racial, religious and language groups. Uncontrolled immigration is not a fiscal benefit, but a net loss of wealth. Finally, if we cannot survive on the skills and labor of our citizens, we are domed to extinction as a nation of any consequence.
Unfortunately, our own national government has enabled illegal immigration. Its capitulation to the worst kind of power politics has rendered it completely ineffective at its primary job: national security. Both political parties have let winning “Latino” votes preclude establishing an effective national boundary between the U.S. and Mexico. “Comprehensive immigration reform” is code for repeating the “amnesty” fiascos of the past and ensuring the Mexicanization of much of America.
Immigration matters. In 1824, the newly independent Mexican government encouraged American emigration into its Texas territory; so long as they would swear allegiance and adopt the Catholic faith. By 1837, Mexico realized that it was losing control of Texas, and withdrew permission to settle; but it was too late. Illegal immigration continued and caused Mexico to lose Texas and the land that now makes up our Southwestern states.
Unassimilated populations were used as pretexts for World Wars I and II and resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths, and nation-less “displaced persons.”
The original Anglo settlers came to Texas to make better lives for themselves; not to steal the land from Mexico. The current illegal immigration comes mostly for the same reasons. However, the results will be the same as in the 1800s. Millions of uninvited Mexicans are rapidly reclaiming much of the territory lost by their ancestors. If we can’t control our borders, we will lose control of our country.
Rod Paramoure is a retired military officer, educator and historian living in east Cobb.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Rod Paramoure U S must learn from Mexico about immigration HERE