March 7, 2010

Tea Party Crashers, Dick Armey, open borders and Freedom Works Inc.

Posted by D.A. King at 7:02 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The usual suspects in the amnesty-again coalition of American business (Hola, Grover Norquist), political traitors (led in the Senate by Chuck Schumer and anything-for- a buck Lindsay Graham) working in concert with the La Raza network has apparently been successful in reviving the 2010 legalization plot.

Otherwise known as the greatest Democrat voter roll increase of all time.

The illegals who escaped captue at the border will march on Washington March 21 to demand citizenship…and the right to vote. Try hard to overlook the more than 15 million Americans are out of work and we need to add 20 million or so poor people to our welfare rolls like we need another stock market crash.

To all my freinds who are marching to the drums of the Tea Party movement – I plead with you to check out Dick “Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” free flow of people “we need guest workers” Dick Armey and FreedomWorks Inc.

The American Conservative

Tea Party Crashers PDF.

“…Santelli’s yawp came precisely, perhaps suspiciously, at the same time that Beltway institutions were encouraging their activists to start protesting. His YouTube clip became a sensation, and “tea” suddenly stood for “taxed enough already.” Brendan Steinhauser, who directs Federal and State Campaigns for FreedomWorks, a libertarian-leaning D.C. operation, recalls that in the week leading up to Santelli’s rant, the nonprofit had been bombarded with calls from conservative activists awaiting orders. “They had already jammed the phone lines on Capitol Hill,” he says, “so we sent out a newsletter, signed by Dick Armey, telling them to go out into the streets.”

FreedomWorks had the resources to break the Tea Parties big. It began in 1984 as part of Citizens for a Sound Economy, a group financed by libertarian oil magnate David Koch—also one of the wallets behind the Cato Institute. In 2004, CSE split, with one faction becoming Americans for Prosperity (another Tea Party organizer) and the other merging with the Bill Bennett-Jack Kemp policy shop Empower America to become FreedomWorks. Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey was brought in as chairman, with an annual salary in excess of $550,000; Steve Forbes serves on the board of the group, which commands a budget in the $8 million range and claims 860,000 members. As the outcry rose, Steinhauser made himself a kind of switchboard operator, connecting activists to each other and arranging lessons in how to get permits. “It’s very Saul Alinsky,” he says of FreedomWorks’ role.

Whether this was an authentic grassroots uprising or—as agents of our community-organizer cum president claim—the product of “astroturfing,” the reins were swiftly seized by Republican hacks and opportunists. Internet organizer Michael Patrick Leahy set up conference calls for new Tea Party activists and gave strange marching orders, demanding, for instance, that the first round of protests be called the “Chicago Tea Party” wherever they happened to take place. He went on to publish a book, Rules for Conservative Radicals, and now works for longtime Republican operator Richard Viguerie. The popular speaker at Tea Party rallies has also been charged with six figures’ worth of tax evasion….”