December 16, 2009

House Democrats support latest amnesty bill

Posted by D.A. King at 4:14 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Stein Report

House Democrats support latest amnesty bill

Wonder who is co-sponsoring Rep. Luis Gutierrez’s (D-IL) Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security Act (CIR ASAP) of 2009? Here is a list of 90 House Democrats that have signed on to co-sponsor this latest push for amnesty. If you live in any of these representatives’ districts we encourage you to…


On the Dem amnesty bill from Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX)

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Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX) responded today to introduction of the Democrats’ mass amnesty bill by saying:

Reax to Democrat Immigration Bill


Washington, DC – Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX) responded today to introduction of the Democrats’ mass amnesty bill by saying:

“Our policies should put American workers, American taxpayers, and American citizens first, not those who are in the country illegally. This is the kind of legislation that foreign governments would promote, not the U.S. Congress.

“The amnesty bill does not hold any surprises and lays out the same vision for amnesty that President Obama and the Democrats have promised to the illegal immigrant lobby. The bill proposes to reduce illegal immigration by making all illegal immigrants legal!

“Allowing millions of illegal immigrants to stay and take jobs away from citizens and legal immigrants is like giving a burglar a key to the house. Illegal immigrants currently occupy eight million jobs. Those stolen jobs rightfully belong to citizens and legal immigrants. We could cut the unemployment rate in half simply by enforcing immigration laws!

“The bill won’t pass because the American people oppose rewarding lawbreakers, which then encourages even more illegal immigration.”

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Inger Eberhart sends a letter to the Atlanta Journal Constitution on amnesty

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Dear Editor,

It is appalling that Democrats would introduce legislation to legalize almost 20 million illegal aliens at a time when over 15 million Americans are out of work at an unemployment rate of over 10%. Those most affected by illegal immigration are African-Americans and legal immigrants. The unemployment rate of African-Americans is closing in on 16% while legal immigrants unemployment is also over 10%.

As an African-American, I find that the words of the Democratic Party certainly do not match their actions. They say they want Americans back to work but when they get the opportunity they instead repeat 1986’s amnesty scheme. Enforcing immigration laws would ensure jobs go to American workers. The late Barbara Jordan (D-TX) stated, “It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” The Democrats are certainly not serving our national interests.

Inger Eberhart

Acworth, GA 30101

Board of Advisors, The Dustin Inman Society

Georgia Congressman Tom Price Statement on House Democrats’ Amnesty Proposal

Posted by D.A. King at 12:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Tom Price Statement on House Democrats’ Amnesty Proposal

Contact: Brendan Buck

December 15, 2009 (202) 225-4501

Price Statement on House Democrats’ Amnesty Proposal

Positive Reform Begins with Border Security and Enforcement

Washington, D.C. – Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement in response to the introduction of so-called “comprehensive” immigration reform legislation by several House Democrats.

“The American people have soundly rejected the amnesty-first approach that certain Democrats continue to pursue,” said Chairman Price. “We are a compassionate nation, but Americans have a basic expectation that our laws will be respected. To the vast majority of citizens and legal residents in this country, rewarding disobedience of our laws with citizenship is an absolute non-starter. The supporters of this unacceptable plan are trampling on the rule-of-law and impeding the development of a strong federal immigration policy.

“Repeating the same mistake we made in 1986 with another blanket amnesty will leave us no closer to meeting the numerous challenges associated with the illegal immigrants crossing our borders each day. We cannot address broader immigration issues, like much needed visa reform, with any credibility until our borders are under control and the laws already on the books are properly enforced. Put simply, the only positive immigration reform we can pass this year is based on stronger enforcement and increased border security. If Democrats truly desire to travel down this road, we are willing to again have this debate so we may once and for all put to bed the amnesty-first approach to immigration reform.”



OBAMA TO AMERICAN WORKERS: DROP DEAD! D.A. King column in the Marietta Daily Journal today

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Marietta Daily Journal

December 16, 2009
D.A. King

D.A. King Warning to Obama: Another amnesty not the answer

Yesterday Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) introduced legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives to reward the hordes of illegal aliens who made it past our Border Patrol Agents with legalization, jobs, public benefits and eventually the right to vote as citizens.

With the open borders lobby’s usual shameless contempt for the intellect of the American people, Gutierrez is calling his bill “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity.”

The 2010 battle for repeating the “one-time” amnesty of 1986 has begun.

Don’t expect the legislation to receive nearly as much attention from the media as Tiger Woods’ love life. The hope is that we are too busy to remember that President Obama promised to deliver amnesty as part of his “Hope and Change” election campaign – or to consider that nagging detail about America’s raging unemployment crisis.

The contrived talking point is that legalizing the current batch of job thieves would result in a “boon to American workers” and somehow “strengthen our economy.”

I am not making this up.

America’s unemployment rate dipped from 10.2 percent in October to 10 percent in November. Many economists put the actual unemployment rate at 17 percent. Using the most positive figures, about 16 million Americans are out of work.

While monitoring CNN last week, I heard a reporter tell viewers that there are at least six applicants for each available job. One pundit puts it this way: “Unemployment isn’t just worse than Obama said it would be with the stimulus. It’s even worse than he said it would be without the stimulus.”

In addition to his recent “jobs summit” designed to get ideas on how to cut unemployment, the president has publicly promised to pursue “every additional and responsible step” to get America back to work.

Except, apparently, to stem the flow of illegal immigration and to remove the black market replacement labor from the workforce.

Obama could put about 8 million Americans in jobs next week if he would only enthusiastically enforce existing immigration and employment laws.

As a long-time American who studies the organized crime that is illegal immigration – which is directly related to U.S. unemployment (it is also directly related to national security, education, health care, public benefits, wasted tax dollars and the rule of law … but that is another column) – let me share some facts Gutierrez and Obama hope you will never see. You are supposed to believe the fairy tale that our borders have been secured.

The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 556,040 new “undocumented workers” illegally crossing our borders in Fiscal Year 2009, which ended Sept. 30. Optimistic official estimates are one in four or five illegal alien border crossers are captured at the border.

Do the math.

Statistics from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement reveal significant drops in work site enforcement activity since last year. Administrative alien arrests (arrests of illegal aliens who will be placed into deportation proceedings) have dropped 68 percent. Nationwide, criminal arrests are down 60 percent, criminal indictments have fallen 58 percent and criminal convictions are down 63 percent.

Revealing his disregard for the American worker, Obama has rescinded the Bush administration’s common sense “No-Match Rule” in which the Social Security Administration sent letters to employers when employees’ names and Social Security numbers fail to match. The program required employers to take action – including termination – if notified that their employees did not have legal immigration status.

So much change … in only one year!

In a November press release reflecting the view of the majority of Americans, Georgia’s U.S. Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson criticized the Obama administration’s intent to push amnesty this way: “Americans want to work; rewarding illegal aliens with the right to hold jobs will not improve the chances Americans have of finding jobs, paying their mortgages, and feeding their families. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to cease any discussion about enacting a legalization program that will only hurt U.S. workers and make it harder for law abiding citizens to weather this economic downturn.”

There will never be a time when another amnesty is the answer, including in the current economic downturn and jobs shortage. The amnesty of 1986 actually increased illegal immigration and illegal employment.

It would have the same result today.

D.A. King of Marietta, a nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration, is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. On the Web:


December 15, 2009

House Democrats Massive Amnesty Bill Certain to Encounter Fierce Public Opposition, Predicts FAIR

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House Democrats Massive Amnesty Bill Certain to Encounter Fierce Public Opposition, Predicts FAIR

December 15, 2009

(Washington, D.C) The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) described the introduction of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (CIR ASAP) as wholesale sell-out of the interests of the American people. The bill being introduced today by Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and over 90 Democrats is certain to meet fierce public opposition.

CIR ASAP would grant amnesty to virtually every illegal alien in the United States and vastly increase future flows of low-skilled, low-wage immigrants. The legislation focuses exclusively on satisfying the demands of illegal aliens, ethnic interest groups and cheap labor employers, while offering nothing that serves the interests of law-abiding Americans.

“At a time when some 25 million Americans are either unemployed or relegated to part-time work, the last thing the Democratic majority ought to be focused on is a massive amnesty and immigration expansion bill,” said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. “Legalizing millions of low-skill, low-wage workers who would depend heavily on government services is simply bad immigration policy at any point in time. When the federal government is running a $1.4 trillion deficit, and numerous state and local governments are facing fiscal crises, it represents the epitome of irresponsibility.”

In addition to granting amnesty to millions of immigration lawbreakers for the bargain basement price of $500, CIR ASAP would:

· Weaken immigration enforcement at the borders and in the interior of the country.

· Vastly expand the ability of illegal aliens to fight their removal from the U.S. (in many cases with U.S. taxpayers footing the bill).

· Preempt state laws that assist in immigration enforcement.

· Dramatically increase both employment-based and family-based immigration.

· Eliminate federal/local enforcement cooperation agreements.

“CIR ASAP offers nothing to law-abiding Americans, except more competition for scare jobs, higher taxes, and more government deficits,” Stein said. “While American families are feeling the pain of this deep and protracted recession, Rep. Gutierrez, with the backing of the Democratic leadership and the White House, seems to be focused on political payoffs for a narrow group of amnesty obsessed constituencies.

“If congressional leaders were surprised by the intensity of public opposition to amnesty legislation in 2007, when unemployment hovered around 4.6 percent, they had better brace themselves for an even stronger reaction in 2010. CIR ASAP amounts to a fire sale on American citizenship and American jobs and the public will make its voice heard loudly again in 2010,” predicted Stein.

About FAIR

Founded in 1979, FAIR is the country’s largest immigration reform group. With over 250,000 members nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests. FAIR believes that immigration reform must enhance national security, improve the economy, protect jobs, preserve our environment, and establish a rule of law that is recognized and enforced.

Contact Ira Mehlman at 206-420-7733 or Bob Dane at 202-328-7004.

Dustin Carnevale

Communications Assistant

Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Phone: (202)-328-7004

Fax: (202)-387-3447

Gutierrez’s Amnesty Legislation REPEALS 287(g)… For those interested, here is the summary of Gutierrez’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity (CIR ASAP)

Posted by D.A. King at 6:36 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Latinos pledge opposition to proposed voter ID law

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San Bernardino County Sun

Latinos pledge opposition to proposed voter ID law

On election day, you show up to the polls, give your name and address and proceed to cast your vote. High desert state Sen. George Runner wants to add a step to that process: showing your drivers license. — Runner, R-Lancaster, has proposed a ballot initiative that, if approved by California voters in November 2010…


Georgia Congressman Phil Gingrey on the Democrat amnesty- again legislation

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Georgia Congressman Phil Gingrey on the Democrat amnesty bill

Contact: Stephanie Valle

December 15, 2009

Democrats Push Path to Amnesty

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-GA) released a statement today following Congressman Luis Gutierrez’s (D-IL) introduction of immigration legislation that could ultimately result in amnesty for all illegal immigrants in this country, which some estimates number as high as 20 million. The bill, cosponsored by Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, would overhaul the immigration laws in the United States, giving illegal aliens a path to legal status.

Congressman Gingrey’s statement is as follows:

“The introduction today of legislation by the Democratic Majority that would ultimately grant amnesty to illegal aliens is an absolute travesty. Our economy is struggling, unemployment is at 10 percent, 15.4 million people are looking for work, and there are 6 applicants for every available job. A blanket amnesty for illegal aliens would exacerbate this situation and I am strongly opposed to it. Rewarding illegal aliens with the privilege of holding a job in the United States will not help American families struggling to make ends meet – and that, particularly in a time of economic recession, should be our focus.

“I am a sponsor of the Nuclear Family Priority Act, which would eliminate ‘chain migration’ and restore the traditional immigration priority of nuclear families. Since legal and illegal immigration are inextricably linked, this is a necessary step toward securing America’s borders and reducing illegal immigration. We must protect American workers and their families first. Promoting amnesty does not do that, and I am strongly against this legislation, and any path to amnesty for illegal aliens in this country.”

Stephanie Valle
Communications Director
Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA-11)
Office: 202-225-29
Cell: 202-225-6


FAST FACT: There are 140 places in the world poorer than Mexico

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