December 22, 2009

Inger Eberhart letter to the editor on the Dems AMNESTY-ASAP legislation in the Marietta Daily Journal today

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Democrats’ amnesty scheme unconscionable

December 22, 2009


It is appalling that Democrats would introduce legislation to legalize almost 20 million illegal aliens while over 15 million Americans are unemployed at a rate of over 10 percent (Re: D.A. King column, “Warning to Obama: Another amnesty not the answer,” Dec. 16). Those most affected by illegal immigration are African-Americans and legal immigrants. The unemployment rate of African-Americans is closing in on 16 percent while legal immigrants’ unemployment is also over 10 percent.

Surely, no honest Democrat – or any American – can ignore the reality of the times, and by rewarding illegal aliens with exactly what they demand when they escape capture at our borders, can support this travesty.

One of the main features of the newest amnesty bill in Washington is to end the extremely successful 287(g) program.
Even with the Obama administration’s reduced enforcement, the fault of “family separation” if an illegal is deported lies squarely at the feet of the illegals themselves.

As an African-American, I find that the words of the Democratic Party certainly do not match its actions. They say they want Americans back to work, but when they get the opportunity they instead repeat 1986’s amnesty scheme. Enforcing immigration laws would ensure that jobs go to American workers.

It is unconscionable that the Obama administration continues to import 125,000 foreign workers each month. The late Barbara Jordan (D-Texas) stated, “It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” The Democrats are not serving our national interests.

Inger Eberhart