December 16, 2009

On the Dem amnesty bill from Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX)

Posted by D.A. King at 1:50 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX) responded today to introduction of the Democrats’ mass amnesty bill by saying:

Reax to Democrat Immigration Bill


Washington, DC – Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX) responded today to introduction of the Democrats’ mass amnesty bill by saying:

“Our policies should put American workers, American taxpayers, and American citizens first, not those who are in the country illegally. This is the kind of legislation that foreign governments would promote, not the U.S. Congress.

“The amnesty bill does not hold any surprises and lays out the same vision for amnesty that President Obama and the Democrats have promised to the illegal immigrant lobby. The bill proposes to reduce illegal immigration by making all illegal immigrants legal!

“Allowing millions of illegal immigrants to stay and take jobs away from citizens and legal immigrants is like giving a burglar a key to the house. Illegal immigrants currently occupy eight million jobs. Those stolen jobs rightfully belong to citizens and legal immigrants. We could cut the unemployment rate in half simply by enforcing immigration laws!

“The bill won’t pass because the American people oppose rewarding lawbreakers, which then encourages even more illegal immigration.”

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