Inger Eberhart sends a letter to the Atlanta Journal Constitution on amnesty
Dear Editor,
It is appalling that Democrats would introduce legislation to legalize almost 20 million illegal aliens at a time when over 15 million Americans are out of work at an unemployment rate of over 10%. Those most affected by illegal immigration are African-Americans and legal immigrants. The unemployment rate of African-Americans is closing in on 16% while legal immigrants unemployment is also over 10%.
As an African-American, I find that the words of the Democratic Party certainly do not match their actions. They say they want Americans back to work but when they get the opportunity they instead repeat 1986’s amnesty scheme. Enforcing immigration laws would ensure jobs go to American workers. The late Barbara Jordan (D-TX) stated, “It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” The Democrats are certainly not serving our national interests.
Inger Eberhart
Acworth, GA 30101
Board of Advisors, The Dustin Inman Society