December 15, 2009

Georgia Congressman Phil Gingrey on the Democrat amnesty- again legislation

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Georgia Congressman Phil Gingrey on the Democrat amnesty bill

Contact: Stephanie Valle

December 15, 2009

Democrats Push Path to Amnesty

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-GA) released a statement today following Congressman Luis Gutierrez’s (D-IL) introduction of immigration legislation that could ultimately result in amnesty for all illegal immigrants in this country, which some estimates number as high as 20 million. The bill, cosponsored by Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, would overhaul the immigration laws in the United States, giving illegal aliens a path to legal status.

Congressman Gingrey’s statement is as follows:

“The introduction today of legislation by the Democratic Majority that would ultimately grant amnesty to illegal aliens is an absolute travesty. Our economy is struggling, unemployment is at 10 percent, 15.4 million people are looking for work, and there are 6 applicants for every available job. A blanket amnesty for illegal aliens would exacerbate this situation and I am strongly opposed to it. Rewarding illegal aliens with the privilege of holding a job in the United States will not help American families struggling to make ends meet – and that, particularly in a time of economic recession, should be our focus.

“I am a sponsor of the Nuclear Family Priority Act, which would eliminate ‘chain migration’ and restore the traditional immigration priority of nuclear families. Since legal and illegal immigration are inextricably linked, this is a necessary step toward securing America’s borders and reducing illegal immigration. We must protect American workers and their families first. Promoting amnesty does not do that, and I am strongly against this legislation, and any path to amnesty for illegal aliens in this country.”

Stephanie Valle
Communications Director
Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA-11)
Office: 202-225-29
Cell: 202-225-6