Mexican groups demand relaxed immigration enforcement – in the USA
Mexican groups demand relaxed immigration enforcement
Posted: 10 Dec 2009 10:35 AM PST
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Foreign News Report
The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) extracts and condenses the material that follows from Mexican and Central and South American on-line media sources on a daily basis. You are free to disseminate this information, but we request that you credit NAFBPO as being the provider.
Thursday, 12/10/09
El Universal (Mexico City) 12/9/09
Unwanted immigration policy
Leaders of organizations of Mexicans in the U.S. announced yesterday that they will ask Janet Napolitano, Secretary of National Security (sic), to halt the firm anti-immigrant policy. Activists of the Mexican-American Coalition for Migratory Reform are searching for support from at least 500 pro-immigrant organizations for a letter that they will deliver to Napolitano in the next few days. In it, they assert that, instead of promoting a migratory reform in the first year of government, Barack Obama aims to “intensify the execution” of anti-immigrant policies.