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Former Mexican President Fox still has the courage to promote the concept of a North American Union and to eliminate American sovereignty: too bad American press ( and Neal Boortz) is hiding this widely pushed agenda

Transcripts from CNN: (HERE) [1]

DOBBS: Mexico’s leaders lack nothing in chutzpah. Mexico’s former

President Vicente Fox on a speaking tour here in the United States promoting globalization and the North American Union. And the former president of Mexico also criticizing U.S. efforts to improve border security, U.S. trade policy, and even criticized me. Casey Wian has our report.


CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Former Mexican President Vicente Fox signed copies of his autobiography at the Milken Institute Thursday night, where he spoke in glowing terms of the more than 11 million Mexicans living in the United States.

VICENTE FOX, FORMER PRESIDENT OF MEXICO: I am extremely proud of each and every single one Mexican here in this nation, even if they are documented or undocumented.

WIAN: He sharply criticized U.S. border security efforts.

FOX: We should be building bridges instead of walls. We all know that walls don’t work.

WIAN: He warned the United States against isolationism while most of the world embraces globalization.

FOX: It’s not that we are seeing the decline of the leader, United States. We’re seeing the race of others. But we’re seeing the spirit of this nation abandoning its leadership. They are isolating itself.

WIAN: Instead, Fox says the United States should expand the North American Free Trade Agreement and embrace a European Union style partnership with Mexico and Canada. Surprisingly, he didn’t mention Mexico’s escalating drug war, once during his 35-minute speech. But he was asked about it by an audience member.

FOX: Reduced consumption in the states, drug consumption and things will improve in Mexico. Reduce free distribution and sale of arms, especially those that correspond to the military. But it’s a joint responsibility.

WIAN: Then he criticized CNN and Lou Dobbs for enflaming fears about drug cartel violence.

FOX: The Lou Dobbs are of no help to nobody, I mean the way he behaves, the way he uses media to criticize, to discriminate, to attack Mexicans in the United States and his position on this doesn’t help at all, even CNN is — I mean is putting this on such a high spot.


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