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A Note From the News Director -CBSAtlanta.com


A Note From The News Director

Occasionally there are stories we may cover that that prompt reaction, emotion and controversy and a strong viewer response.

During my career I have seen it with stories about abortion and gun issues.

But clearly the new hot button issue is immigration, especially the issue of folks who have entered this country without the proper paperwork and maybe residing here illegally.

During the past few days we’ve been covering a march [1]through our viewing area about people protesting for greater rights for those who may not be living in the United States legally. For the first few days we were inundated with viewers asking why we were “sympathetic” to those who did not have the proper paperwork and trying to live “under the radar screen.”

Viewers asked some very direct questions. Yesterday in our coverage [2]we decided to take some of those questions and put them to the marchers. They were fairly direct and tough questions including asking whether some of the folks marching were citizens or in the United States with legal papers. We also heard that some of the workers and marchers do pay taxes but have been doing so by using fraudulent social security numbers.

As you can imagine we got a series of emails yesterday complaining that we were unfair to those marching and not fully explaining all sides of the issue.

We are clearly sensitive to this story and it’s a story we will continue to cover. It is also one of those stories that evokes and will continue to evoke strong opinions.

Part of our role at CBS Atlanta News is to ask the tough questions, look into controversial issues and explore topics raised by our viewers. Our goal is to stay on continuing stories like the immigration issue and present all sides during our continuing coverage. Some have complained that we haven’t presented all sides. Honestly this is a story that has more than two sides. It’s extremely complex. There are huge emotional, economic and patriotic issues at play… read the rest


HERE [3]