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D.A. King: Marietta Daily Journal column today:

Marietta Daily JournalApril 9, 2009

D.A. King: Good news, bad news on illegal immigration

Some good news and bad news on the ongoing illegal immigration crisis.

Good news: The government has adopted a tougher new immigration policy and is going after not only the illegal aliens themselves, but the many people who illegally assist and encourage them. An official says the government has vowed to increase the number of illegal aliens sent home this year.

It seems that officials are concerned that illegals pilfer welfare benefits and jobs in a country where unemployment hovers around 9 percent.

The bad news: The above description of current events is happening in and describes the government of … France.

Back in what remains of the USA, some good news: Hilda Solis, a vocal opponent of work-place immigration law enforcement and whose most infamous quote to date is, “we are all Americans, whether you are legalized or not” is no longer a Congressional Representative from California.

The bad news: She has been confirmed as Labor Secretary in the Obama administration.

It is not clear if she will continue to speak at Democratic Socialists of America meetings as she did in 2005.

Obama has appointed Cecilia Munoz, former senior vice president at the National Council of La Raza, as his director of intergovernmental affairs. Because this long time American understands that La Raza (“The Race,” in English) is a radical far left separatist group, I regard it as very bad news.

It could be good news that Vice President Joe Biden went to Costa Rica last month and said that “the economic crisis and rising unemployment make 2009 an inopportune year for comprehensive immigration reform (he means amnesty). The bad news? Not many people put much stock in anything Biden says and his boss continually tells the impatient American leaders of the more than 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. that he will make citizens – and Democrat voters – out of the illegals “soon.”

Amazing, but old news: Despite the shameless betrayal of the beleaguered American worker and its likely fatal damage to their own party, many Republicans will agree to the Obama legalization process on orders from their corporate masters who prize the cheaper and more docile taxpayer subsidized replacement labor.

Good news for illegal aliens who are also Latino: John Trasvina, the former President of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) has been tapped by the White House to serve in HUD as the Assistant Secretary of Housing and Equal Opportunity.

The bad news for most of America?

Funded by the radical leftist Ford Foundation, MALDEF is known as one of the most aggressive proponents of separatism, illegal immigration and bilingualism in the nation. The mentality of Trasvina and the rest of the MALDEF thugs can be easily summed up with a quote from a MALDEF founder, Mario Obledo, regarding his home state. “California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn’t like it they should leave – they ought to go back to Europe.”

Welcome to the oh-so-inclusive “change you can believe in” we were all warned would come. Obledo didn’t say to where African-Americans who oppose illegal immigration and bilingualism should go.

Good news for Cobb County residents: Today a camera hungry group of invasion collaborators will offer brilliant illustration of the mindlessness connected to the concept that American borders are human rights violations and that American immigration laws should be ignored.

Along with the naifs in the clergy who serve as their insulation, subversives connected with the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO), and the ACLU’s Georgia Detention Watch will begin a morning march in Smyrna with a 2:30 finish on Marietta Square. The demand is for (yawn) … amnesty and an end to immigration law enforcement.

GALEO, which counts Jane Fonda as a “founding friend,” is run by perpetually angry Jerry Gonzalez, a former MALDEF goon and well-known race-baiting advocate for amnesty again.

The ACLU founded Georgia Detention Watch stated goal is to defeat any further attempts by Georgia local law enforcement officials to access federal training and authority to assist the feds in locating illegal aliens who have landed in jail for additional crimes. Like they do it in Mexico.

Use of the 287 g program by sheriffs – like Cobb’s Neil Warren – to identify illegals charged with murder, child molestation and rape are deemed as threats to “community safety” in the demented world of the Georgia Detention Watch marchers.

Bad news: these crazies aren’t marching in France … or Mexico.

King is president of the Dustin Inman Society.

Original column and comments HERE [1]