April 8, 2009

FOR A GOOD TIME; contact Stephanie Ramage! – she is staunch advocate for amnesty, but has trouble explaining why

Posted by D.A. King at 3:02 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Another smear attack on Americans opposed to illegal immigration: A grin for your day!

FOR A GOOD TIME; contact Stephanie Ramage!


It is no secret that the open borders lobby has pulled out all of the stops to attack anyone who may have helped beat back the last several attempts at a repeat of the amnesty of 1986.

Neither is it a secret that many of the willing workers who have more keyboard and posting space than walking around sense are easily led to the margins of American “journalism”.

Today, in the interest of a little fun and a lot of education on just how spacey the useful idiots who advance the cause of illegal immigration can be, I present for the nation-wide audience a dear little cadet – Stephanie Ramage, bless her heart – who runs the “news” section of an alternative local paper here called The Sunday Paper and writes commentary. Long ,hurtful commentary.


Stephanie Ramage – or just plain “Steph” as the poor little soul is known around the Georgia Capitol by people who have seen her level of mindlessness – has launched an attack from her orbital position not only on the big bald ugly guy (me) but also on a fine American and the Georgia Senate Majority Leader, Chip Rogers for daring to speak up in opposition of…wait for it….illegal immigration.

Chip Rogers was the author of the 2006 Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (GSICA) which happily, has driven many illegals out of Georgia.

It is not clear if Ramage yet realizes that illegal immigration and employment are crimes because of federal law and that the GSICA merly says that here in Georgia we should actually obey that law. Neither does it take much imagination to picture Steph’s outrage if the laws requiring taxpayer funded free medical care and education to illegals were to be ignored and she doesn’t seem to grasp the difference between an illegal alien and an immigrant…but that’s our Steph.

I sent Steph a 425 word response to her attack last night, but got no response…so I called the little darling. She told me she did not get my response but would put it in her hard copy edition in 2 weeks. I suggested that because she has posted a 676 word entry under her own 2527 word masterpiece on her blog in the Sunday Paper’s online edition, she might consider posting my response online as well as in her “newspaper”.

She offered to post it for me. When I mentioned her accusation of “rabble rousing racists” I asked if it would be of benefit to ask some of our Black American and Latino supporters to write a short comment. “Sure” she replied, “racists come in all colors…”

As you can see on her site, she decided to add some more comments when she posted my reply…another 567 words. By my count that comes to a (so far) total of 3770 words Steph has used in her struggle to defend her position.

Let me put it another way…Steph is not next in line for rocket science class. Or any honesty in journalism award. Or brevity instructor.

Steph is as self important and self indulgent as they come, but she is also totally unconcerned with the truth and cannot see that we cannot allow everyone on the planet to migrate to what remains of the USA…she also craves attention and looses her temper quite easily.

For a good time, consider taking the time to register on Steph’s site and give her a thrill by sending her a short comment on her position and thought process.

You can see a photo of the genius and read all of Stephanie Ramage’s latest thinking endeavor and take 2 minutes to comment HERE.

WARNING…many people have dropped me an e-mail today admitting that they could not comment on Steph’s work because they could not force themselves to finish reading her argument…such as it is.

I fully understand. That could be your comment.

Have fun…dear reader.

Watch that re-entry Steph.