December 2, 2008

Bush to American workers: Drop dead! blog from ROY BECK

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Bush Adds Yet Another Insult To American Workers (no wonder he’s so unpopular)

By Roy Beck, Monday, December 1, 2008, 6:40 PM

At a time of galloping unemployment, Pres. Bush had the gall to tell ABC News that one of his biggest disappointments in the White House was his inability to get Americans to quit being so small-minded about keeping U.S. jobs for themselves instead of giving them up to illegal aliens. Will the next Administration be this elitist and this heartless? The jury is out.

As he leaves office as one of the most unpopular Presidents ever, Mr. Bush seemed to be trying to show why in his interview.

On the one hand, he acknowledged that he had been wrong about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that his biggest disappointment was that he didn’t get better military intelligence to act on.

But then he failed to see the underlying error of his immigration policies.

Instead of admitting that he misjudged the issue, he said another major disappointment was his failure to push through immigration reform. Although he didn’t specifically identify what that reform was, we can be fairly certain he meant the path to citizenship that he began trying to give illegal aliens as soon as he entered office in 2001 and which he pushed through 2007 before he finally got tired of the citizenry rising up in an uproar.

Here’s what he told ABC:

I firmly believe that the immigration debate really didn’t show the true nature of America as a welcoming society. I fully understand we need to enforce law and enforce borders. But the debate took on a tone that undermined the true greatness of America, which is that we welcome people who want to work hard and support their families.

So, the true greatness of America is not in hard-working Americans and their families? Apparently, we can only be great if we welcome people from other countries to take our jobs.

Does Mr. Bush feel that any person in the world who wants to work hard to support his/her family ought to be allowed into the U.S. At heart, he is a reckless Utopian with no touch of reality but whose impractical idealism leads to great suffering. Utopians with their ideological innovations make truly dangerous leaders, as the 20th century more than proved and as this century’s first President did as well.

I’d like to see a society (and a federal government) that practices a welcoming spirit to the tens of millions of Americans who do not have a job, or who work for sub-decent wages depressed by labor oversupply.

To rich elitists like Mr. Bush, it may be easy to assume that the country can bring more than 100,000 foreign workers every month (plus their dependents) and allow another 50,000 or so illegal workers to settle each month and not have any effect on people who work for a living.

But more than 10 million Americans who are on the official unemployed list (which means they have looked for a job in the last month) know what an unwelcoming economy is like.

It is the height of hardheartedness to suggest that those unemployed Americans are “unwelcoming” or have a bad “tone” when they object to giving some 7 million illegal foreign workers permanent ownership of U.S. jobs.

I do believe that Mr. Bush has always had a blind spot when it comes to poor foreign workers. I think he is sincere in wanting to give all of them a chance to be Americans and live an American lifestyle. But I know that this largesse is also a way for his White House to provide a welcoming society for his big business lobbyist friends who want their flood of foreign labor to hold down all wages.

I’m thankful to the hundreds of thousands of NumbersUSA activists who blocked this Republican President from his skewed vision of the country and who gave him one of his biggest disappointments.

And I am hopeful that those activists will be just as strong in stopping the incoming Democratic President from imposing that same skewed, anti-worker vision.

ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA