July 23, 2008

Rich Pellegrino writes a letter to the MDJ editor…and you can comment on it!

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Letter to the editor, published July 24, 2008, Marietta Daily Journal
‘Inalienable rights’ apply to immigrants, too


During the six years of my residence in Cobb, I have seen an influx of residents from all over the world, from varied cultural and religious backgrounds, and have witnessed all of the bounties and challenges which this change and diversity brings.

I know that sometimes we might tend to view our immediate surroundings as “the world” and forget that there is an incredible universe of diversity and wonder outside our own neighborhood, county, state and country.

While the Internet and cable TV certainly bring some of this wonder into our homes the only way to really experience it is to travel, both in our country and others, and not only as a tourist to the usual attractions but to really meet other people where they live (to find out that not only are we all really the same, but each culture and each individual has special capacities and a distinct “flavor” to contribute to the whole-or to “the melting pot” of America and humanity).

I have taught my children that they can never really know and fully understand their own selves and their community without experiencing other people and communities, both here and overseas, because sometimes we are just “too close to the trees to see the forest” and we have to see it from another perspective and through the eyes of others.

While traveling with family on July Fourth weekend I had the privilege of visiting an area of the United States in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, which really cherishes and values its immigrants, not getting as caught up in the technical or legal issues of whether they are temporarily undocumented or not, and secure in their history and knowledge that every immigrant population which came to these shores were temporarily undocumented and had to withstand all types of persecution at the hands of a vocal and vociferous minority until the good people of America, which constitute the majority, caused its government to grant them legal and equal status.

And, as I paused to read over and reflect upon our great country’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution, I am secure in my history, as a third-generation descendant of Italian immigrants (who were once considered “illegal” and undocumented; who were blamed for not assimilating and learning English fast enough; who were attacked as taking the jobs of “true” Americans), that the good people of this country will once again welcome the present wave of undocumented immigrants from Latin American and other countries with a pathway to citizenship which they have earned through their blood, sweat and tears on behalf of this country-just as other immigrants did before them.

I am confident that, representing the good people of America, our next Congress and president will live up to the spirit of the stirring words from the “Declaration of Independence”: “We hold … that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I am sure that they will see that these words and inalienable rights to apply to “all men” and not only to citizens and those with present “legal” status.

So I implore the good people of Cobb and Georgia to also join in with the majority of good Americans around this country, past and present, to welcome our newest immigrants, regardless of their present “legal” status (which will soon change anyway, as noted above), all of whom have worked and are working tirelessly to build and uplift our communities, as all immigrants-all of our ancestors – did before them.

Let us become independent of our irrational and unfounded fears, and help them to pursue happiness, life and liberty in our American tradition – which, in turn, will bring a richer happiness to all of our lives.

Rich Pellegrino

Executive director

Cobb Immigrant Alliance


CLICK HERE for original letter and comments

HERE for BONUS info from “the thinker” Pellegrino