Maria Litland Letter to the Editor: Advocate for illegals accused of ‘thoughtless insult’
Maria LitlandLetter to the Editor: Advocate for illegals accused of ‘thoughtless insult’
Re: Rich Pellegrino letter, “T-shirt coalition marks new day for Cobb,” Thursday’s MDJ
Several months ago Rich Pellegrino said illegal aliens are not illegal aliens, but undocumented immigrants. In his latest fascinating and revealing (and somewhat humorous) letter, he writes that these criminals are “so-called undocumented immigrants.”
I am curious what they will be next. Victims? As a legal immigrant, with the documentation to prove it, I am grateful to the MDJ for allowing us to see the real man here. I am deeply hurt and offended by Mr. Pellegrino’s disrespectful and rather bizarre attitude. I, for one, did not invite illegal aliens here and most of us want them to leave! I also see that for Mr. Pellegrino, illegal employers are not mentioned.
His thoughtless insult is clear. My coming to the United States legally was a waste of my time, respect for the laws and my honor. I speak, read and understand English and do not miss his real meaning. I understand why he always brings up race and color.
It is his meal ticket. It is Pellegrino who is dividing Cobb County. But he gets his wish. Media coverage. I hope he is happy to insult me and all law-abiding people.
Maria Litland