Public Statements HERE [1]
Speaker: Representative Phil Gingrey (GA)
Title: Gingrey Statement on Senate Immigration Compromise
Date: 05/17/2007
Location: Washington, DC
Press Release
Gingrey Statement on Senate Immigration Compromise
U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey today made the following statement regarding the preliminary details of the Senate’s compromise immigration legislation:
“In the past, the Senate has come up with some truly outrageous plans for dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants in our nation, from consulting with Mexico on a border fence to giving illegal immigrants workplace protections that law-abiding Americans don’t enjoy. We have learned to closely scrutinize their bills, and I fear this new compromise may simply be amnesty by another name. Citizenship is a precious commodity, and we need to ensure our immigration laws benefit the American people, our security and our economy. We can’t bankrupt our government services by granting the biggest handout of all: amnesty.