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My letter to the editor in the AJC today

My (very edited) letter to the editor published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution today. We thank the AJC for the (small) space.

Racial profiling charges baseless

Having lobbied heavily against the 2006 Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act, and having used the “racial-profiling”argument against letting local authorities enforce federal immigration laws, Jerry Gonzalez had no choice but to do what he has done in Cobb County: fulfill his absurd predictions by creating, soliciting and promoting baseless charges of “racial profiling [1]” against the Cobb police.

How interesting that these charges were never reported to the Cobb police.

The Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials is shameless but quite transparent in its panic that Cobb County is successfully using that authority.

The downside for the open-borders lobby is that illegal aliens are leaving Cobb and Georgia because of the equal application of American laws.

D.A. KING, Marietta

Below is my letter as sent to the AJC:

Having lobbied heavily against SB 529, the 2006 Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act, and for years used the standard La Raza “it will result in racial profiling” argument against use of the twelve year old 287 (g) section of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act that expands local authority to enforce immigration laws, Jerry Gonzalez had no choice but to do what he has done in Cobb County: Fulfill his absurd predictions by creating, soliciting, encouraging, and promoting baseless charges of “racial profiling” against the Cobb Police.

How interesting that these charges were not reported to the Cobb Police.

The Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO), the far left collective that Gonzalez has been handed which has such all American luminaries as Jane Fonda as “founding friends” is shameless, but quite transparent, in its total panic that Cobb County is successfully using 287 (g) and that the same program is soon coming to Hall, Whitfield, Oconee and other Georgia counties.

Proving that enforcement works, the downside for Gonzalez and the rest of the open borders lobby is that their stock in trade – illegal aliens – are leaving Cobb and Georgia because of the equal application of American laws.

D.A. King

King is president of the Marietta -based Dustin Inman Society, which is actively opposed to illegal immigration.