The below is quite typical of mail we get here and serves to illustrate the mindlessness of the rocket scientists that think they support illegal immigration. This one is from Mac Stemberg.
Dear D.A. King,
I am writing to you in response to your article regarding El Banco de Nuestra Communidad. I just would like to express my concern over your anger and prevalent hatred towards Latin American immigrants. I hope you realize that the only reason you are here in the U.S.A. is because of IMMIGRATION, whether legal or illegal. I notice that you are from Georgia, I suppose that your ancestors probably once owned a cotton plantation, enslaved African Americans and more likely than not participated in their forced illegal immigration to this country. Oh in addition, they probably helped to kill off the entire race of Native Americans that were present in the USA. Pick up any American history book and you will be able to see that the History of the USA is defined by immigration, it is what makes our country so diverse and unique. So while you are sitting by your computer reading this email; most likely with a Budweiser in one hand, a Marlboro Red in the other, and behind you I picture a Get er’ Done poster next to your confederate flag, please just realize what you are upset about. It is the fact that there are Undocumented Latin American immigrants in our country because they have come up here to personally fuck you, or is it because the American government is unable to secure our borders? Chew on that for a little bit!
Mac Stemburg