John Litland/Letter to the Editor: Who will be next target of open borders smear?
Having been one of about 100 people in attendance at the hearing for Cobb Police re-accreditation, I am sickened by the shameless race baiting obviously orchestrated [1]by the people who fund [2]and do the thinking for Jerry Gonzalez of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials.
The clear message from the open-borders professional “victims” who attacked the Cobb County government [3]was that anytime a Latino is stopped or arrested it is an “injustice” and happens only because of “racial profiling.” I guess Gonzalez and his flock are hoping that we don’t understand that “Hispanic” and “Latino” describe an entire ethnicity and that Latinos and Hispanics can be of any race or color.
Maybe they would be kind enough to explain to us just what race “illegal alien” is?
I cannot find the words to fully describe my total disgust at the baseless smearing of the brave men and women of the Cobb police who put their lives on the line every day to enforce all of our laws.
The highlight of the event was when an elderly American man had to ask the out-of-town representative of the private firm examining Cobb police for accreditation to please allow the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag before the hearing in Cobb County offices went any further.
The same representative of The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies ended the meeting with the words “Buenos noches.” The firm also accepted anonymous telephone complaints for two hours on Sunday, which was heavily promoted on the GALEO Website with solicitations of stories – any stories – of “racial profiling.”
In his prepared remarks, Gonzalez veered off the mission and focus of the meeting to go over the time allotted for each speaker to present his leftist manifesto on the hoped-for special rights of illegal aliens, complete with attacks on state Rep. Chip Rogers’ Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006 and Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren’s implementation of 287(g) authority to find and report illegal aliens who have committed more crimes and landed in his jail.
All of this was, of course, “anti-immigrant” and “racist.” In other words, business as usual for the now panicked, Jane Fonda-funded Jerry Gonzalez.
Gonzalez warrants more examination and is a walking insult to people of all colors and ethnicities who strive for justice and border security and watch while the concepts of freedom and rule of law are viciously attacked along with an entire police department.
Who [4] will the open-borders leftists come after next?
John Litland