November 2, 2007

Too much: No excuse for hateful rhetoric

Posted by D.A. King at 11:59 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The law aimed at illegal immigration and illegal employment has gone into effect in Oklahoma. The illegals and their feeders are screaming the usual nonsense…an editorial from Oklahoma below.

The Oklahoman Editorial

Too much: No excuse for hateful rhetoric

…To claim that HB 1804, which applies to all illegal [aliens…criminals], is a call for ethnic cleansing is beyond absurd. When Rivera or anyone else uses that term, they are guilty of race-baiting on par with what we’ve come to expect from the likes of the Rev. Al Sharpton. Such tactics may score a few points with the aggrieved


We get mail, from Americans in Oregon

Posted by D.A. King at 11:00 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dear Mr. King,

Thank you for the work your doing addressing illegal immigration. I’m Puerto Rican, Italian and Irish. And I’m the most feared women in Oregon. Ha, I really am. Born in Queens, New York two months early which gave me the tenacity to endure hard situations as someone dared to short my special education kids a year of speech services to boost AYP for the ELL, NCLB. I got in that Governor’s face and told him off. Especially after I served on the budge committee and found out the money went into PERS benefits for union employees.

Well, I’m not an in your face kind of person but when it comes to these liberal immoral leaders who feels is okay to short the special education kids to promote the English as a second language kids you are gonna hear this Puerto Rican get Jennifer Lopez loud. And I’m still squeaking. All the way to the Whitehouse, and they hear me loud and clear. Daily. Then the feds came to investigate NCLB. Then they made a discovery, Oregon shorted the special education kids.

In fact I called to Governor Arnie’s office in California the next state over to ask how do you get Democrats to implement real ID? Cut the transportation funding they said. The bottom line this has nothing to do about race, and everything to do about discrimination. Well Discrimination to the American citizens who have to pay for illegal immigration and the over abundant amounts of poverty that come here illegally. As we are without health care, education and opportunity all to owe them a living, an illegal one at that. If that makes me a racist so be it. I feel its un-American to promote illegal immigration.

On that note, Thank you for addressing this.

Good job, and god bless America.


We get mail…is this the future of the United States?

Posted by D.A. King at 10:53 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Today I went to the Wachovia drive-through banking facility (my receipt says Sandy Springs Detached Remote Atlanta-the walk-in bank is across the street) at the corner of Sandy Springs Circle and Roswell Road today and saw something that I still can’t believe.

Next to the structure that holds the cylinder that sends the money and deposit slips back and forth from you to the tellers inside was a very large banner that you could read from your car; it was all in Spanish-no English translation. I asked the teller through the little speaker box to translate it for me. The banner said that if you open a new account you would get $25.

I asked the teller if this offer was only available to Hispanics or to people who spoke Spanish. When she said that it was available to everyone my next question was, of course, why this information on the banner wasn’t also in English. The teller said she didn’t know and apologized.

I want to emphasize that this wasn’t a situation where a sign is in Spanish and also in English, which we see all the time in Atlanta. This also wasn’t in a Hispanic neighborhood. This was in the heart of Sandy Springs (right across from Pier One, Trader Joe’s, etc.), a very affluent city.

Is this the wave of the future for the United States of America?


Great Website: Illegal alien activity tracking system

Posted by D.A. King at 10:25 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Great Website: Illegal alien activity tracking system IAATS HERE

A GREAT letter to the editor in the MDJ today directed at the ADL’s Bill Nigut from a reader, Bill Stafford

Posted by D.A. King at 8:11 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Letter to the editor in today’s MDJ

Bill Stafford/Letter to the Editor: Nigut ignored facts about illegals to slam King

Published: 11/02/2007

In his Tuesday MDJ guest column, “Bludgeons of Bigotry,” Anti-Defamation League spokesman Bill Nigut twisted so many word definitions and common usages I was amazed the printed column did not appear as an alphabet pretzel.

It is indeed sad when one such as he attempts to obfuscate the facts.

Three-quarters of Mr. Nigut’s column was devoted to slamming frequent MDJ contributor D.A. King. He offered as evidence to his argument quotes from a piece King wrote three years ago, “brazen disregard for the law that comes from the Third World horde that is allowed to swarm over our border with Mexico … when the mostly Mexican mob illegally ‘migrates’ into our nation, it brings with it the culture of lawlessness and chaos that is responsible for the very conditions that they flee in the rapidly deteriorating example of democracy without the rule of law that is Mexico.” (Emphasis Nigut’s).

Where is the alleged racial stereotyping? Where is the alleged fear mongering? The disregard for law has already been covered. That they are from Third World countries has been well documented. Nigut acknowledges the estimated 20 million illegals already in this country, so the word “horde” should not upset him. Although the border-crossers have many origins, the fact is they are mostly Mexicans. Again, King was totally accurate.

Can Nigut deny that a society that condones the practices listed above; whose government publishes and distributes “how to” booklets for those wishing to cross illegally, is a culture of lawlessness?

Nigut is obviously unaware of the quantity of illegal contraband, drugs, weapons, etc. that are hauled across the border on a nightly basis. To turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the plight of those who pay dearly to be smuggled across only to be left helpless in the desert by their “guides” is callous in the extreme.

The most serious threat we face from our porous southern border is to our national security. For Mr. Nigut and others like him to ignore the potential for Islamic terrorists to enter the United States carrying nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons reeks of the pompous, arrogant, liberal left that is so consumed by hatred of all things conservative they would risk the very lives of Americans in order to gain a victory over the right.

When Bill Nigut was a political commentator his liberal bias was blatant. Now he holds the position of Southeast Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League. Since 1913 the ADL has existed to combat anti-Semitism and bigotry toward the Jews. Much progress has been made in those 94 years, but the job is not complete. Nigut and the ADL need to focus on their area of expertise. Confucius once said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

Bill Stafford


ADL’s definition of ‘bigotry’ proving elastic: My Marietta Daily Journal column today in response to the Atlanta head of the Anti Defamation League, Bill Nigut

Posted by D.A. King at 8:07 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Below is my MDJ column today in response to the Atlanta ADL head Bill Nigut’s MDJ attack titled “Bludgeons of Bigotry“. Link to MDJ here. I have added links to the original column to educate the reader. I have challenged Bill Nigut to debate me in public – any effort to encourge Nigut to find the courage to do so is appreciated. Usually these mudslinging far left bombthrowers lack that courage.

Marietta Daily Journal

ADL’s definition of ‘bigotry’ proving elastic

D.A. King

Published: 11/02/2007

Wanna see the white wine set bellow? Stand up in a room – and write a newspaper column – to remind people that both illegal immigration and illegal employment are crimes. Remind America that we are in a war on terror and that by leaving American borders porous, anyone, from anywhere in the world can – and does – walk into our nation…illegally. Everyday.

The goal for far too many with a vested financial interest in this criminal enterprise is to keep the borders open with the pretext of an ongoing “debate” on the “thorny problem” of illegal immigration and to keep the focus on what we are told are “undocumented workers.”

What this crowd of professional hustlers will never tolerate is the American people’s access to facts that the “mainstream” regards as too much information. Think: “The facts are not important” – “nothing happening here folks, go about your business”.

Fact: Most illegal aliens are not “undocumented”. (What should we call un-employed “undocumented workers”?)

In this space – and in the official language of the federal government – any foreign national in this nation illegally is an “illegal alien”.

Whether by stealing the identity of Americans or merely “looking for a better life” by creating fraudulent ID, very few illegals lack some form of documentation.

Fact: Illegal aliens come to the U.S. mainly from Latin America – most of them from Mexico. Most are drawn here by the same employers who contribute to the elected officials who allow the crime to continue. And to the well-funded parasitic groups who feed on them.

Legal residents have real, verifiable, valid ID. Mexico, along with a growing number of other nations, provides photo ID to its citizens who are already here illegally. It is called a matricula consular.

Fact: In 2003, the FBI Office of Intelligence testified to Congress that because of its ease of fraud and forgery, the matricula consular represents a “criminal threat” and a “potential terror threat” to this country.

This American has three Mexican matriculas, on one I used the name “Al”. Al Qaida Gonzalez.

Presenting a Mexican matricula consular will get you on an airplane anywhere in the U.S.

Fact: A 2006 House Committee on Homeland Security has reported that Hezbollah has entered our country through Mexico.

Please stop reading if you don’t see my point here.

Playing the race/bigotry card has always been the sure and certain method of silencing any “problematic” citizen who has the temerity to speak up on these pesky facts. Stand against illegal immigration and be declared a bigoted anti-Hispanic and anti-immigration “hater” the next day -even if the outraged American opposing illegal immigration happens to be Hispanic – or black.

It seems that there are exceptions to the “anti-Hispanic” rule for some.

In 2002, the Anti Defamation League put out a report called “Anti-Semitism on the Rise in America”. From the ADL’s press release to promote their study five years ago: “One of the most important findings of ADL’s 2002 survey of anti-Semitism in America concerned Hispanic Americans”. The ADL poll found “an extraordinary gap between those born in the United States and those born abroad. The survey revealed that while 44% of foreign-born Hispanics hold hardcore anti-Semitic beliefs, 20% of Hispanic Americans born in the U.S. fall into the same category”.

It would seem that the ADL’s “perspective” on the “bludgeon of bigotry” changes with the times and political opportunities.

ADL Southeast head Bill Nigut has noted the fact that I have written about the lack of the rule of law in Mexico and that we are illegally importing poverty and lawlessness. I stand by every word.

The ADL and Nigut released a new report last week which howled about the fact that I describe the more than twenty million illegal aliens in our nation as a “horde”. Apparently this is “hatespeech” and ‘dehumanizes” what they are calling “immigrants”.

I guess the use of this “dehumanizing hatespeech” depends on whose ox is being gored.

Where was the outrage in 2005 when a report published by the ADL, the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials and the KSU Center for Hispanic Studies titled “Immigration: Facts, Myths and Public Policy Volume II”, described the Border Patrol as hiring “hordes of agents”? ( page v )

According the IRS, the Anti-Defamation League had a 2005 revenue of more than $101 million dollars. I work toward border security at my own expense.

Maybe Nigut would like to publicly debate who should mow his lawn with someone who understands the consequences of illegal immigration.

Fact: I do.

King is president of the Dustin Inman Society

November 1, 2007

After the California fires… “cheap” labor from Bush sanctioned illegal labor?

Posted by D.A. King at 3:55 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

American Chronicle

California homes scourged ­ U. S. workers will be burned next

In November of 2005 the city of New Orleans lay in ruins following Hurricane Katrina. The devastation held one positive prospect; it raised hope that local and evacuated New Orleans workers would get work in the massive reconstruction project. Those hopes were quickly dashed. Voice of America reporter Greg Flakus quoted New Orleans Mayor…

Read the rest here.

ENFORCEMENT WORKS….illegals leaving Oklahoma

Posted by D.A. King at 12:56 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

KOTV — Tulsa
Illegals and pals react to immigration law ruling

A new state immigration law that targets illegal immigrants has created fear and panic in Latino communities across Oklahoma and will force many immigrants — both documented and undocumented ­ to leave their jobs and homes, Latino groups said Wednesday. — Latinos and their supporters reacted to the law on the eve of its Thursday effective date…

more here.

Firms pledge to hire no illegal aliens

Posted by D.A. King at 12:45 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Firms pledge to hire no illegal immigrants
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Written by Eunice Moscoso
Posted on 2007-11-01 we link to the story here through GALEO…thanks Jerry!

By Eunice Moscoso Cox Washington Bureau Published on: 11/01/07 Washington —-

Earlier this year, Dallas lawyer David Marlett wanted to hire a contractor to paint his house, but only one with legal employees. He made a lot of calls and ended up doing the job himself. “It’s important that we draw the line somewhere,” he said. Marlett said he believes illegal immigration is wrong and hiring illegal immigrants is even worse. In an effort to change the system, he started a Web site …[Read More]

Marianne Harper of Marietta LETTER OF SUPPORT in MDJ today – ADL nonsense

Posted by D.A. King at 12:42 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Another letter writer to the MDJ suppots us against the ADL attacks…

Marianne Harper/Letter to the Editor: ADL’s priorities skewed

Published: 11/01/2007

I support Mr. King and his defense of our community and nation. Because of him, I was alerted to what was happening in east Cobb and our country.

Consequently, I have supported organizations that monitor our border and secure our communities against illegal aliens. Rampant crime, drug houses, crowded schools, clinics and violent gangs have been the result of this unchecked immigration. The gang problem is so bad, a special police task force has been formed to deal with it. While all are not criminals, too many are. None are victims, and many are exploiters of our social services at taxpayer expense.

Instead of monitoring the rhetoric of anti-illegal immigration organizations, why not monitor La Raza, MALDEF and GALEO? La Raza is an organization known for its racism and militant stance – nobody can top them. These undocumented immigrants are a threat to our well-being. We don’t know who they are or where they came from. I wonder how many illegals live in the neighborhoods of ADL spokesman Bill Nigut, GALEO spokesman Jerry Gonzalez and U.S. Sen. Harry Reid? This league has its priorities skewed.

Marianne Harper


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