November 7, 2007

Georgia Appleseed

Posted by D.A. King at 12:26 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Check out the board and the publications. Can you say shills for the bankers who are encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. by making opening accounts, issuing credit cards and making mortgage loans? Can you say “money laundering”?

Here is an Appleseed ( it is a multi-state organization) press release – it seems that these pillars of the community don’t think much of immigration law enforcement either.

Press Releases Appleseed: Local Police Should Not Enforce Federal Immigration Laws … Georgia will be joining its staff to help further the mission of building a just …

They are, no doubt, doing it “for the children”.

November 6, 2007

REPOST – So nobody forgets: Six illegal aliens nabbed in Atlanta airport’s secure area

Posted by D.A. King at 11:07 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From last November:

Six illegal aliens nabbed in Atlanta airport’s secure area

ATLANTA Authorities say six illegal aliens hired to do work in the secure area of one of America’s busiest airports are now under arrest.

Investigators say all had security badges giving them access to the tarmac and other normally restricted areas at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. All six are said to be Mexicans working for a private company that was hired to do some drywall work.

Read the rest here.

The Accountability in Enforcing Immigration Laws Act of 2007 HR 3531 / Cutting off some fed funds to sanctuary cities

Posted by D.A. King at 11:04 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From CAPS:

At long last, the federal government is demonstrating some tepid increase in attempts to provide interior enforcement of our immigration laws. Yet, even these mild efforts are hamstrung by local cities that declare themselves sanctuaries from immigration enforcement.

The Accountability in Enforcing Immigration Laws Act of 2007 (Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-FL) would tackle the troubling trend of local governments to require their police officers to ignore the immigration status of suspects they encounter while performing their jobs.

HR 3531 would:

Affirm and clarify that state and local law enforcement officials have the authority to apprehend and arrest illegal aliens encountered in the course of their routine duties.
Provide additional federal funding to cooperating law enforcement agencies for the costs of apprehension and detention.
Revoke 25 percent of non-emergency federal Homeland Security funding for sanctuary cities that refuse to change their policies.

Importing the deadly Chagas disease – part of looking for a better life in America

Posted by D.A. King at 5:07 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

San Francisco Chronicle
CHEAP LABOR? Chagas disease, a deadly parasitic illness turning up in U.S. “immigrants”

A Los Angeles County hospital has opened the first clinic in the country devoted to studying and treating Chagas disease, a deadly parasitic illness that has long been the leading cause of heart failure in Latin America and is now being seen in immigrant communities in the United States…

Read it and call your Senator!

My Letter regarding La Raza’s Janet Marguria’s Sunday attack in the Kansas City Star today

Posted by D.A. King at 9:14 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

My letter to the editor below concerning Janet Marguria of La Raza ran in the Kansas City Star today. HERE. I have added several links to educate the reader.

Illegal immigration

One of the last things La Raza’s Janet Murguia (11/4, Opinion, “La Raza left because it objects to extremism”) wants Americans to remember regarding our porous borders is the war on terror. I am sure she also hopes that the House Committee on Homeland Security report titled “A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border” stays buried by the media.

The 2006 report reveals that “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigations have revealed that aliens were smuggled from the Middle East to staging areas in Central and South America, before being smuggled illegally into the United States.” And that “members of Hezbollah have already entered the United States across the Southwest border.”

In her fanaticism to promote “The Race” and a repeat of the failed amnesty of 1986, Murguia has joined the national campaign to smear anyone who speaks out in favor of secure borders and an equal application of American laws — if it includes the illegal aliens who are her Golden Goose.

Murguia also hopes that we will forget that real immigrants join the American family lawfully and do not require amnesty — and that putting them in the same category as illegal aliens is the ultimate immigrant bashing.

Who is the “extremist”?

D.A. King

President, Dustin Inman Society

Marietta, Ga.

Editor’s note: Murguia referred to King and his Georgia-based organization, which opposes illegal immigration, in her Sunday column.

November 5, 2007

Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss: Secure the borders first – THEN amnesty again?

Posted by D.A. King at 4:34 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

For those who don’t know, Senator Saxby Chambliss was in north Georgia yesterday for “meet and greets” – he will be back. I have posted his schedule here.

I attended his event in Cherokee County yesterday but did not go to Dalton. In Dalton, he apparently talked about border security and illegal immigration in his public remarks.

He didn’t in Cherokee County.

It seems that from conversations with his staff and his public statements that Chambliss and far too many others think that the American people will accept another amnesty if they make us believe our borders are secured.

The talking point from Chambliss is apparently “secure the borders first.”…THEN we will try again to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens we have allowed to come into our nation.

That is not a concept that the huge majority of American people – Georgians included – share.

Nearly half of the total illegals in our nation did not come here illegally – they entered on a visa and never left. Secured borders or not, Senator Chambliss’ attitude will only encourage more to do the same and wait for the next amnesty.

Chambliss has shown his lack of understanding on this crucial issue too many times to count and repeated conversations with his staff have failed to educate this Senator.

From the Dalton Citizen today:

“We have to secure the border… That has to be the first step,” he said. “We have better control of that.” Fences are being built in some areas and officials have been working to find “hot spots” where people are crossing the border, he said. “We have to continue to work hard and make sure we get that border sealed. Then once we get the border sealed and restore confidence in the American people we are serious about enforcing the laws of this country from the standpoint of immigration, I think the American people” will consider options for illegal aliens already in the country.”

The chances of this American who is educated on the border security and illegal immigration crisis voting for Saxby Chambliss for six more years as U.S. Senator fade each time I hear him speak.

Who is Janet Marguria? – And why is she lying in print about me?

Posted by D.A. King at 4:10 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Janet Marguria HERE

Marguria in the Kansas City Star here.

More on this later. More on La Raza here.

November 4, 2007

Colonel James T. Cooper USAF Retired. Marietta Daily Journal letter to editor on Bill Nigut and the ADL smear

Posted by D.A. King at 9:33 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Col. James T. Cooper/Letter to the Editor: Nigut, ADL have lost their credibility

Published: 11/04/2007

Bill Nigut has done it again. The Anti-Defamation League’s leadership shows again how an organization with initially noble causes can drift so far to the left that it loses its credibility.

The same Soros-like agenda that is found in the ACLU and other secular progressive organizations has shown up with the ADL. There is a Yiddish expression that translates as “beating on a teakettle,” or “hocking” and making a lot of noise with little substance. Bill Nigut seems to be the ADL’s hocker for this region.

He is attacking immigration-reform columnist D.A. King with distorted reasoning and half-truths, very similar to how Josef Goebbels used the big lie in Nazi Germany. Bill is not a Nazi, but his tactics are almost the same. I was involved with a part of what became Homeland Security during my military career and I can tell you for certain that terrorists, rapists, murderers, thieves, gang members and narcotic smugglers do, indeed, enter our country illegally and have for decades.

Neither I nor Mr. King are racists or against legal immigrants of any race entering this country as they should. I suggest that Mr. Nigut sit down with Mr. King and discuss this as rational human beings. He would find that King is not a monster, but Bill will probably not do this. I would love to see the two of them on Sean Hannity’s show in a debate.

Colonel James T. Cooper USAF retired

East Cobb

More letters of support in Marietta Daily Journal Phil Kent/Letter to the Editor: Nigut should take King’s challenge on immigration

Posted by D.A. King at 9:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Today’s Marietta Daily Journal ( Here)
Phil Kent/Letter to the Editor: Nigut should take King’s challenge on immigration

Isn’t it ironic that the Anti-Defamation League and its mouthpiece, Bill Nigut, engage in defamation?

Their target is D.A. King, an anti-illegal immigration activist and Marietta Daily Journal guest columnist who, according to Nigut’s Oct. 31 guest column, engages in “racial stereotyping and fear” when criticizing illegal immigrants and radical Islamists who sneak across our unsecured borders. Yet in Nigut’s warped world, everyone ranging from CNN commentator Lou Dobbs to the pope, no doubt, engages in “racial stereotyping and fear.”

As national spokesman for Americans for Immigration Control, and someone who considers King a sincere colleague trying to shape public opinion, I can attest that he welcomes every American regardless of ethnicity to our cause. And, because King and like-minded activists urged Georgia legislators to enact some of the toughest laws in the land to protect our quality of life from the illegal immigrant invasion, the vocal open-borders lobby wants to silence and intimidate us.

Nigut is a known liberal who shamelessly protects his friends with the Georgia Latino Elected Officials organization – a leftist group that continually attacks King. Nigut ought to accept King’s challenge to a public debate on the illegal immigration issue. I believe that Nigut, if he accepted the debate challenge, would be the one exposed as the true bigot.

Phil Kent


Rich Pellegrino: Letter to the editor Marietta Daily Journal: BRAVO BILL NIGUT, and “there is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant”

Posted by D.A. King at 9:27 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

More from Rich Pellegrino here…
From today’s Marietta Daily Journal MDJ link here.Rich Pellegrino/Letter to the Editor: There’s no such thing as an ‘illegal’ person

Bravo to Bill Nigut of the Anti-Defamation League for pointing out the sometimes subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle language of dehumanization that leads to prejudice and bigotry.

The term “illegal” itself is dehumanizing and is not even accurate. There is no such thing as an “illegal” person or “illegal immigrant.” If there is, then we are all “illegal” if we have ever broken a law – like speeding, or if our ancestors came here illegally (most did by standards of the dominant groups of their times).

There are only human beings, some of whom may commit illegal acts (most of us fall into that category, whether we get caught or not). Even technically, by the law of our land, no criminal laws have been broken by anyone entering this country undocumented. It is a civil matter, like a divorce or a lawsuit – so if you are divorced or have even been sued, I guess you are “illegal.”

Since spiritually, technically and legally there is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant,” the only reason, therefore, to even use that term is to belittle another group of human beings and that is bigotry.

We were all called such terms by the dominant group of the time – two recent examples are the “n-word” used to demean African Americans and “wop” (“without papers”) used to demean Italian Americans (my ancestors).

It is time to grow up as an American people and realize that what makes this country great are immigrants from all countries and backgrounds, and that we don’t have to engage in childish schoolyard antics and call other people names in order to feel superior ourselves.

The current Latino immigrants have earned the right to be here by working hard and abiding by our laws, just as all of our ancestors did before them.

My family has become tired of the hate rhetoric disguised as concern for the rule of law and national security and has started a movement in Cobb County (which is spreading nationwide), made up of ordinary white and black Americans who want to welcome and protect our recent Latino, Asian, African, Middle Eastern and other immigrant neighbors, no matter what their immigration status, and help them assimilate into and continue contributing to the growth of our great nation.

Rich Pellegrino

Director, Cobb Cherokee Immigrant Alliance

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