November 8, 2007

Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform FYI..they work while you think the amnesty fight is over

Posted by D.A. King at 12:06 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Gracias…Lonewhacko Click here

November 7, 2007

Appleseed…the far open borders left

Posted by D.A. King at 11:55 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



See also: GEORGIA APPLESEED ( Hey…is this really the new MALDEF?)

Nebraska Appleseed too!

Posted by D.A. King at 11:40 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Nebraska Appleseed too! Let me know if you any mention of that pesky law….

Core Values | Common Ground | Equal Justice

In the United States today, more than half of all Latino immigrants do not have bank accounts. Lack of access to the mainstream banking system is a significant impediment for families trying to achieve the American dream. Without bank accounts, immigrant and Latino working families have a harder time saving money to buy homes or send their children to college; they are subjected to predatory financial practices, including check-cashing, payday lending and high-cost remittance transactions; and they frequently are the targets and victims of serious crimes while carrying or storing cash. Lack of access to the mainstream system impacts not only individuals but the community at-large, when money that could be reinvested in families and local businesses is instead skimmed away by high fees and fringe financial services. Nebraska Appleseed and our community partners are working to improve immigrants’ access to the banking system through creative outreach, education, and advocacy. As Congress has long recognized, expanding access to mainstream financial services is in everyone’s best interest – making our communities safer and positively impacting the financial health of our society.

Also see…we help bankers bank illegals HERE

AND…we need amnesty again HERE. And here.

Nebraskans want to see meaningful immigration reform that will result in an easier path to citizenship, not more fences around the border, an organizer of a downtown rally said Wednesday

Hmm….a non-profit rally for…amnesty and an easier path to citizenship, not border security… HERE.

Georgia Appleseed staff…and mi$$ion

Posted by D.A. King at 11:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The Mission of Georgia Appleseed:

To listen to the unheard voices of the poor, the children, the marginalized; to uncover and end the injustices that we would not endure ourselves; to win the battles for our constituency in the courts of public opinion or in the halls of justice that no one else is willing or able to fight.

Staff here

True agenda…here

Appleseed: This is rather fun – “A non-profit network of 16 public interest justice centers in the U.S. and Mexico…”

Posted by D.A. King at 11:02 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  



A non-profit network of 16 public interest justice centers in the U.S. and Mexico, Appleseed is dedicated to building a society where opportunities are genuine, access to the law is universal and equal, and government advances the public interest.

Appleseed uncovers and corrects injustices and barriers to opportunity through legal, legislative and market-based structural reform. Working with our huge pro bono network, we identify, research and analyze social injustices, make specific recommendations, and advocate for effective solutions to deep-seated structural problems. Together, Appleseed and Appleseed Centers form a network for positive change, building a society that provides each individual access to justice and a genuine opportunity to lead a full and productive life.

Also see: ANYTHING FOR A BUCK! here

True agenda: HERE

Bush mouthpiece bewails state crackdowns on illegal aliens and illegal employers

Posted by D.A. King at 8:46 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post

State immigration crackdown not answer

‘What we would like to see is a comprehensive immigration reform’
( Note from D.A. – Bush: “I’ll see you at the bill signing”)

Crackdowns by state and local governments on illegal aliens [criminals] won’t solve the immigration problem in the US, according to a spokeswoman for President Bush. — “We can understand that they want to increase enforcement, and that’s what the president called for in his comprehensive bill,” Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino said. MORE

South Texas illegal alien busted after reporting pot theft

Posted by D.A. King at 5:59 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

South Texas man busted after reporting pot theft

McALLEN, Texas — A man was arrested for drug possession after telling authorities that two masked gunmen had stolen 150 pounds of marijuana from his home.

Hidalgo County sheriff’s deputies arrived at the home near Penitas in South Texas to find the door kicked in and nearly 15 pounds of pot lying on the floor, Sheriff Lupe Trevino said.

Jose Guadalupe Flores, 35, escaped while the men ransacked the house but returned later and told the deputies he had been wrapping the drugs for shipment when the intruders arrived.

“The guy walked right up and said the drugs were his,” Trevino said. “That’s not the smartest move.”

Flores, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was charged with felony possession of marijuana at an arraignment hearing Monday. Because of his immigration status, Flores will be jailed until his case is heard.

Authorities were still searching for the gunmen. Here.

And I am still laughing myself silly….

REPOST: QUICK FACT: Less than 2% of illegal aliens pick our crops, but 29% are on welfare

Posted by D.A. King at 5:26 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

QUICK FACT: Less than 2% of illegal aliens pick our crops, but 29% are on welfare

Click here to see original post and info.

Farmworker Farce — The shortage simply doesn’t exist

Posted by D.A. King at 5:13 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Mark Krikorian — National Review

Farmworker Farce — The shortage simply doesn’t exist

The Senate this week will debate a $238 billion farm bill, and there was the prospect that yet another amnesty for illegal aliens, this one for farm workers and their families, would be attached to it. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) was considering introducing the Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits, and Security Act of 2007…

The rest of the story here.

Even more outraged Americans: Response in today’s MDJ to the Nigut/ADL attack$

Posted by D.A. King at 4:45 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Even more outraged Americans: Response in today’s MDJ on the Nigut/ADL attacks

From Today’s Marietta Daily Journal:

Silvia Montoya/Letter to the Editor: ADL’s Nigut ignored essential facts

Published: 11/07/2007

Anti-Defamation League Southeastern Director Bill Nigut’s rambling, ambiguous, politically correct defense of illegal immigration and misleading personal attack on MJD guest columnist D.A. King (MDJ, Oct. 30), was heart-warming but ignored essential facts. Nigut defends open borders and once again brands supporters of border security, such as Mr. King and most Americans, as racially bigoted and prejudiced.

Mr. Nigut is offended by the use of “horde” and “mob” to describe the massive influx of illegal aliens from south of the border.

In the PC world such terms are not used. They’re not polite and might offend someone. Mr. Nigut characteristically does not use the term “illegal alien” but prefers the more liberal catch-word “undocumented immigrant.”

Semantics and clouding the real problem of illegal immigration (by his own estimate ranging up to 20 million illegals in this country as of last count) is of little use. Such numbers certainly qualifies as a “horde.” No racial stereotyping here, just 20 million people who are here in violation of U.S. law.

The first sentence of Nigut’s screed – i.e., that there is “no question that the issue of undocumented workers in this country needs to be debated openly” is manifestly arrogant. If there is a “legitimate debate” it is whether the U.S. border is sovereign and the U.S. is governed by the rule of law, or whether we have open borders and all that implies.

Only the most hard-hearted would advocate total deportation of all illegal aliens. Mr. King and law-abiding Americans simply want to see our immigration laws enforced. That’s neither hatred nor bigotry and leaves little room for “legitimate debate.”

The bottom line to the open-borders crowd is this: Allow the hordes to continue flowing illegally into the United States while citizens assume the growing associated cost of crime, medical care, social services and education. Or not.

Silvia Montoya


—– more below

Robert Kramer/Letter to the Editor: Opposition to illegal immigration has nothing to do with bigotry

Published: 11/07/2007

What kind of double talk nonsense are the ADL’s Nigut and MDJ letter-writer Rich Pellegrino of the Cobb Cherokee Immigrant Alliance trying to feed the public?

Being illegal has absolutely nothing to do with humanization. Legality is defined by laws, and only laws. It is illegal to violate any law. If an individual breaks a law, he is not “dehumanized,” he is illegal, pure and simple.

This issue has nothing to do with prejudice, bigotry, hate or anything of that nature. The “do-good” liberals would have us believe otherwise. An undocumented foreign person in our country is an illegal trespasser who has violated our laws. So Mr. Nigut and Mr. Pellegrino should stop trying to whitewash this issue.

Is there no longer any common sense being applied in our daily lives? We have already gone beyond reason with this “political correctness” nonsense being thrust upon us daily. When will the time come when those among us, the majority, who are not so naive and gullible, say, “Enough is enough”? When will we begin to speak out against the likes of Nigut and Pellegrino, who want us to believe that they – and only they – are the ones who take public action to defend human freedom and rights? I say, now is the time.

Robert Kramer


— AND… —

Harry Hagan/Letter to the Editor: ADL’s attack on King was another reckless smear

Published: 11/07/2007

It has been very heartening to read all the letters resisting MDJ guest columnist D.A. King’s tarring by the odiferous Anti-Defamation League – the same folks who brought us all the vitriolic and hysterical warnings of rampant violence against Jews upon the release of the “Passion of the Christ” movie.

Everyone apart from the ADL knew then that that prediction rang hollow, as every person today who has followed Mr. King’s brave quest to halt the hordes of illegal invaders who are aided by the moneyed powers of commercial and governmental interests knows the mendacity of the charges leveled against him by the ADL.

After a long history of recklessly smearing people who are caught in its spotlights and with a $60 million-per-year budget, why should an intangible such as common decency get in the ADL’s way?

All it takes to counter and defeat brute-force tactics such as the near-complete wreckage of our culture and traditions, and the eradication of our borders, is a loud, massive, public, outcry of righteous indignation. They have more money; we have more voices. They use their money. Will we use our voices?

Harry Hagan

West Cobb

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