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We get mail…from Americans who want secure borders and justice – more response to the Bill Nigut ADL smear. A letter to Bill Nigut copied to us

We get mail…from Americans who want secure borders and justice – more response to the Bill Nigut ADL smear. A letter to Bill Nigut copied to us.

Mr. Nigut,

It amazes me that a man who made a living in communications does not know the proper use of such a simple word.

Horde [1]: a teeming crowd or throng.

DA King used it correctly in this sentence: “… the Third World horde that is allowed to swarm over our border with Mexico”. Your ADL colleagues at Kennesaw State University and GALEO [2]do not use it correctly in this sentence: “According to a recent study (March 21, 2005) by the Pew Hispanic Center, the number of undocumented immigrants is approximately 11 million in the United States, despite current efforts to control illegal immigration through “higher fences, hordes of agents and hundreds of sensors.”

And just how is it “dehumanizing language [3]” when applied to law breaking invaders who are swarming over our borders illegally, but not when applied to American citizens who work as Border Patrol Agents? Hypocrisy, thy name is Anti-Defamation League.

And before you label me as racist bigot because I disagree with your flawed views on illegal invaders, know that I am Hispanic and proud of my Panamanian origins.

As an American citizen, I resent the hordes in every way imaginable, and do not wish to see these lawbreakers treated preferentially because they decided to ignore our laws to illegally enter and stay in our country for whatever reason! Being here illegally should not afford them any special rights, and allowing employers to continue to hire them without repercussions is uncontainable.

Our National security, health care, Social Security, correctional and educational systems are all at risk if we do not put a stop to the illegal hordes entering our country and find a way to encourage them to return to their home countries (where ever they may be).

Turn a blind eye to this truth if you will, that will not make it untrue.

C.’ C
Tucker , GA