November 7, 2007

Nebraska Appleseed too!

Posted by D.A. King at 11:40 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Nebraska Appleseed too! Let me know if you any mention of that pesky law….

Core Values | Common Ground | Equal Justice

In the United States today, more than half of all Latino immigrants do not have bank accounts. Lack of access to the mainstream banking system is a significant impediment for families trying to achieve the American dream. Without bank accounts, immigrant and Latino working families have a harder time saving money to buy homes or send their children to college; they are subjected to predatory financial practices, including check-cashing, payday lending and high-cost remittance transactions; and they frequently are the targets and victims of serious crimes while carrying or storing cash. Lack of access to the mainstream system impacts not only individuals but the community at-large, when money that could be reinvested in families and local businesses is instead skimmed away by high fees and fringe financial services. Nebraska Appleseed and our community partners are working to improve immigrants’ access to the banking system through creative outreach, education, and advocacy. As Congress has long recognized, expanding access to mainstream financial services is in everyone’s best interest – making our communities safer and positively impacting the financial health of our society.

Also see…we help bankers bank illegals HERE

AND…we need amnesty again HERE. And here.

Nebraskans want to see meaningful immigration reform that will result in an easier path to citizenship, not more fences around the border, an organizer of a downtown rally said Wednesday

Hmm….a non-profit rally for…amnesty and an easier path to citizenship, not border security… HERE.