November 2, 2007

A GREAT letter to the editor in the MDJ today directed at the ADL’s Bill Nigut from a reader, Bill Stafford

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Letter to the editor in today’s MDJ

Bill Stafford/Letter to the Editor: Nigut ignored facts about illegals to slam King

Published: 11/02/2007

In his Tuesday MDJ guest column, “Bludgeons of Bigotry,” Anti-Defamation League spokesman Bill Nigut twisted so many word definitions and common usages I was amazed the printed column did not appear as an alphabet pretzel.

It is indeed sad when one such as he attempts to obfuscate the facts.

Three-quarters of Mr. Nigut’s column was devoted to slamming frequent MDJ contributor D.A. King. He offered as evidence to his argument quotes from a piece King wrote three years ago, “brazen disregard for the law that comes from the Third World horde that is allowed to swarm over our border with Mexico … when the mostly Mexican mob illegally ‘migrates’ into our nation, it brings with it the culture of lawlessness and chaos that is responsible for the very conditions that they flee in the rapidly deteriorating example of democracy without the rule of law that is Mexico.” (Emphasis Nigut’s).

Where is the alleged racial stereotyping? Where is the alleged fear mongering? The disregard for law has already been covered. That they are from Third World countries has been well documented. Nigut acknowledges the estimated 20 million illegals already in this country, so the word “horde” should not upset him. Although the border-crossers have many origins, the fact is they are mostly Mexicans. Again, King was totally accurate.

Can Nigut deny that a society that condones the practices listed above; whose government publishes and distributes “how to” booklets for those wishing to cross illegally, is a culture of lawlessness?

Nigut is obviously unaware of the quantity of illegal contraband, drugs, weapons, etc. that are hauled across the border on a nightly basis. To turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the plight of those who pay dearly to be smuggled across only to be left helpless in the desert by their “guides” is callous in the extreme.

The most serious threat we face from our porous southern border is to our national security. For Mr. Nigut and others like him to ignore the potential for Islamic terrorists to enter the United States carrying nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons reeks of the pompous, arrogant, liberal left that is so consumed by hatred of all things conservative they would risk the very lives of Americans in order to gain a victory over the right.

When Bill Nigut was a political commentator his liberal bias was blatant. Now he holds the position of Southeast Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League. Since 1913 the ADL has existed to combat anti-Semitism and bigotry toward the Jews. Much progress has been made in those 94 years, but the job is not complete. Nigut and the ADL need to focus on their area of expertise. Confucius once said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

Bill Stafford
