November 1, 2007

Marianne Harper of Marietta LETTER OF SUPPORT in MDJ today – ADL nonsense

Posted by D.A. King at 12:42 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Another letter writer to the MDJ suppots us against the ADL attacks…

Marianne Harper/Letter to the Editor: ADL’s priorities skewed

Published: 11/01/2007

I support Mr. King and his defense of our community and nation. Because of him, I was alerted to what was happening in east Cobb and our country.

Consequently, I have supported organizations that monitor our border and secure our communities against illegal aliens. Rampant crime, drug houses, crowded schools, clinics and violent gangs have been the result of this unchecked immigration. The gang problem is so bad, a special police task force has been formed to deal with it. While all are not criminals, too many are. None are victims, and many are exploiters of our social services at taxpayer expense.

Instead of monitoring the rhetoric of anti-illegal immigration organizations, why not monitor La Raza, MALDEF and GALEO? La Raza is an organization known for its racism and militant stance – nobody can top them. These undocumented immigrants are a threat to our well-being. We don’t know who they are or where they came from. I wonder how many illegals live in the neighborhoods of ADL spokesman Bill Nigut, GALEO spokesman Jerry Gonzalez and U.S. Sen. Harry Reid? This league has its priorities skewed.

Marianne Harper
