November 1, 2007

Firms pledge to hire no illegal aliens

Posted by D.A. King at 12:45 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Firms pledge to hire no illegal immigrants
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Written by Eunice Moscoso
Posted on 2007-11-01 we link to the story here through GALEO…thanks Jerry!

By Eunice Moscoso Cox Washington Bureau Published on: 11/01/07 Washington —-

Earlier this year, Dallas lawyer David Marlett wanted to hire a contractor to paint his house, but only one with legal employees. He made a lot of calls and ended up doing the job himself. “It’s important that we draw the line somewhere,” he said. Marlett said he believes illegal immigration is wrong and hiring illegal immigrants is even worse. In an effort to change the system, he started a Web site …[Read More]