June 15, 2007

Great Website this: John Rook.com

Posted by D.A. King at 6:34 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Great Website this: John Rook.com


Posted by D.A. King at 5:40 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


P.O. Box 492378

Lawrenceville, GA 30049

June 15, 2007

U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss

416 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson

120 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510



Re: SB 1348, The “Compromise Amnesty Bill”

Whereas on June 7th the members of the U.S. Senate listened to the American People and rejected cloture on the Kennedy Compromise Immigration Bill (SB 1348) and effectively killed this disastrous bill.

Whereas President Bush and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have vowed to resurrect this “Compromise Amnesty Bill” and news outlets are reporting that another “Grand Compromise” may have been reached on SB 1348.

Whereas recent polling data confirms that the 69% of the voters prefer an approach that focuses exclusively on securing the border and reducing illegal immigration.

Whereas the enforcement only approach is preferred by 84% of Republicans, 55% of Democrats and 69% of the Independent voters. (Rasmussen Reports, June 13, 2007) rasmussenreports

Whereas any bill that does not require those presently residing unlawfully in our country to return home and take their place in line behind those that are following our immigration law is AMNESTY.

We, the members of the Gwinnett County Republican Party, resolve to urge our two great U.S. Senators to once again say no to Sen. Ted Kennedy and the pro amnesty lobby and to vote no on this Amnesty Bill.

Whereas, we resolve to urge Sen. Chambliss and Sen. Isakson to fight to prevent this bill from even coming to the floor for a vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

J. Gregory Howard, Chairman

The Gwinnett County Republican Party

770 925-VOTE (8683)


Repost from May, 2006: Amnesty’s cost more than rule of law

Posted by D.A. King at 1:19 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Amnesty’s cost more than rule of law

By D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, May 24, 2006

“… We are as American as anyone else… but we won’t give up our language or culture.”
Hector Flores, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens [ LULAC] commenting on ‘Mexican – Americans’.

“I think this amendment is racist” ( Note from D.A – see Plan de Aztlan here)
U. S. Senate minority leader Harry Reid, objecting to an amendment in the Senate last week to make English the “national language” in the United States.

If you ask Americans what they think the official language in the United States is, many will reply something like “English, of course”.

The United States has no official language. It never has.

It should.

As the Senate debates another amnesty for illegal aliens – and their criminal employers – other issues besides that annoying rule of law are surfacing.

Like language and culture.

Having intimidated into silence a large number of Americans on the reality that millions of people are living and working in our nation illegally, the illegal alien lobby is ready, willing – and with the help of leftist American “journalists” – quite able to label anyone who suggests that English be the common language that binds our very diverse nation together…a “racist”.

We should all remember this: In any language, silence is consent.

On the topic of illegal immigration, many oh -so- noble newspaper editors will point to the “last great wave of immigration” and dutifully lecture that today’s illegal immigration crisis is “no different than when the Polish, Irish or Italians came to our shores”.

We all remember when we were required to “press one” to speak, Polish, Celtic or Italian on the telephone…right? We all remember the resentful illegal aliens from those countries marching in the streets of America demanding amnesty, citizenship and the “right” to continue to change our nation into an image of the one they left…right?

We all remember studying in multi-lingual schools. None of us can forget the Greek language ballots of past elections…right?

Hector Flores defiant words should not be forgotten. Neither should U.S. Senator Harry Reid’s.

While the motivation of each may be different, the harm they do to the American rule of law, culture and tradition is the same.

Elected officials like Reid are simply doing what they are told by their “cheap labor” addicted campaign donors. Follow the money.

Identity based “civil rights” organizations like LULAC, The National Council of La Raza [in English? – “The Race”] and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund [MALDEF] – are aimed at the ongoing creation of what University of California ethnic studies professor “and immigration -rights activist” Armando Navarro calls the “nation within a nation as the community that we are”.

Note to Navarro & Co; We honor real “immigrants” here, it is the illegal aliens that concern us. “Immigrants” do not require amnesty. They came here lawfully.

English as a “national language” does not fit in with the “nation with in a nation” agenda.

Navarro is author of the book “Mexicano Political Experience in Occupied Aztlan”.

What is Aztlan? The territory “stolen” from Mexico in the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo at the end of the Mexican-American War. That would include California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico… USA.

There is considerably more being decided in Congress than whether or not we capitulate and award American citizenship to who ever can steal that privilege.

We are watching our elected leaders make a decision on whether we will be allowed to have borders, what it means to be an American and what manner of nation we will pass on.

It is not un-American to have a “national language” [not many have the courage to suggest an “official” language]. It is not “racist” to demand that our borders be defended and to stand up and insist that the law be equally applied – even for someone here illegally from Mexico.

Mexico does have an official language. It does defend its borders…with its military. It is a felony to enter Mexico or work there illegally and it deports more people annually than we do.

We should be asking ourselves why we don’t see angry mass demonstrations in that sovereign nation…and how we allowed ourselves to get to the point that they are now familiar here.

We should be asking if another amnesty would cost us more even more than our rule of law.

June 14, 2007

D.A.’s column, today’s Marietta Daily Journal: Bush has picked side -but not that of U.S. workers

Posted by D.A. King at 12:26 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Below is my Marietta Daily Journal column today. I have added some hyperlinks to educate the reader.
Original version of the MDJ column here.

Bush has picked side -but not that of U.S. workers
D.A. King

“This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1-1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We well never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this.”-Ted Kennedy on the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which actually granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal aliens.

“…the bill is a mess because it doesn’t fully embrace its most important aim: amnesty.”Time magazine (June 18) on the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007.

In what is unquestionably inconvenient timing for those who have so zealously denied the title – and somewhat amusing for the majority of the American people – this week’s edition of Time magazine, as its cover story, clearly tags the Bush/Kennedy “immigration” legislation for what it is – amnesty.

To no one’s surprise, Time then goes on to support the Senate amnesty bill.

This year, the amnesty is not only designed for illegal aliens, but the very corporate criminals who helped create the language of the legislation that has never seen a single public hearing in the Senate committee process or been the object of any hint of an official impact study to determine costs.

Those who study the issue and a growing number of everyday Americans understand that this is the last amnesty required to achieve the true goal – the eventual free flow of people the nation wrecking concept of “free trade” requires.

Next stop? What the Globalists label as “Deep Integration” – which is merely code for the long desired borderless continent and combining the economies, infrastructures and populations of North America.

Why? It’s more cost effective.

If the big money wins, history will likely not record the fact that the beleaguered American people are the only group involved in the current amnesty legislation battle without corporate funding, but it is true.

Whether or not the voices of the American people win out in the current struggle for the rule of law, what no one should ever forget is that the curtain has forever been lifted on the true agenda of George W. Bush.

With the whole world watching, the American president has picked a side. Sadly, it isn’t the side of the American worker or the republic he swore to protect.

We can all now note who in power are willing to strive to preserve the sovereignty of the United States of America – and who is willing to join the president in attempting to trade that priceless and sacred concept for an enlarged low – wage market place.

We can never forget that for more than six years, the president has refused, without penalty, to obey his oath of office, secure American borders or make any serious effort to enforce employment or immigration laws. He now tells us that to not legalize the illegals would result in being stuck with the chaos of the “status quo” he helped create.

What we have now is “silent amnesty” Bush explains in his desperate attempt to sell his idea of “what is right for America”. George Orwell would likely envy the contived‘Newspeak’.

Not this time Mr. President.

Few fail to notice that it is the same corporate lobbies that oppose raising the minimum wage that are now spending millions to press for legalization of the defacto slave labor that is endless in its supply and will quietly suffer working conditions that were supposed to have vanished in the U.S. many years ago.

In his partnership with the far leftist Teddy Kennedy, the president’s effort to legalize the decades-old organized crime that is illegal immigration promises us that the amnesty will somehow “return the nation to the rule of law” and will allow us to secure the borders and sort through more than twenty million illegals to determine who is the most illegal.

This is the Chief Executive of the same federal government that cannot issue passports on time to its own citizens… with more than two years notice.

Presidential candidate and amnesty-again proponent Senator John McCain has a similar sales approach for the legislation: “Doing nothing is not an option” he says.

On this, McCain is right of course. Doing nothing is not an option and the American people will be carefully inspecting presidential candidates for any sign that they actually have the courage to vigorously assure us the most basic function of the U.S. government: Defended, defined borders and equal application of American law.

That is what is right for America.

June 13, 2007


Posted by D.A. King at 3:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From CNN.com

Dobbs: Give it a rest, Mr. President

June 13, 2007

NEW YORK (CNN) — President Bush is building his legacy, adding another unfortunate line of hollow bravado to his rhetorical repertoire. To “Mission accomplished,” “Bring it on,” “Wanted: Dead or alive,” and of course, “I earned … political capital, and now I intend to spend it,” he has added “I’ll see you at the bill signing,” referring to his own ill-considered push for so-called comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Bush emerged from a midday meeting with Republican senators on Capitol Hill to declare, “We’ve got to convince the American people this bill is the best way to enforce our border.”

No, Mr. President, someone you trust and respect must convince you that kind of tortured reasoning should never be exposed before cameras and microphones. Isn’t there anyone in this administration with the guts to say, “Give it a rest, Mr. President”?

Sen. Jeff Sessions came close when he said, “He needs to back off.” This president desperately needs to be reminded that he is the president of all Americans and not just of corporate interests and socio-ethnocentric special interest groups.

In what other country would citizens be treated to the spectacle of the president and the Senate focusing on the desires of 12 million to 20 million people who had crossed the nation’s borders illegally, committed document fraud, and in many cases identity theft, overstayed their visas and demanded, not asked, full forgiveness for their trespasses?

Illegal aliens and their advocates, both liberal and conservative, possess such an overwhelming sense of entitlement that they demand not only legal status, but also that the government leave the borders wide open so that other illegals could follow as well, while offering not so much as an “I’m sorry” or a “Thank you.”

This bill would be disastrous public policy and devastate millions of American workers and their families, taxpayers and any semblance of national security. Yet even in defeat, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, one of the reform bill’s chief architects, declared: “Doing nothing is totally unacceptable.” Like the senator, Bush says the status quo is unacceptable.

The president and the senator are wrong. It is the sham legislation they support that is totally unacceptable. But if Bush and Kennedy sincerely desire resolution to our illegal immigration and border security crises, I’d like to try to help. But a word of caution, if I may, to our elected officials: Resolution of these crises will require honesty, directness and an absolute commitment to the national interest and the common good of our citizens. Here are what I consider to be the essential guiding principles for any substantive reform:

First, fully secure our borders and ports. Without that security, there can be no control of immigration and, therefore, no meaningful reform of immigration law.

Second, enforce existing immigration laws, and that includes the prosecution of the employers of illegal aliens. As Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, put it, illegal employers are the magnet that draws illegal aliens across our border. Enforcing the law against illegal employers and illegal aliens at large in the country will mean bolstering, in all respects, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Third, the government should fund, equip and hire the people necessary to man the Citizenship and Immigration Services. To do so will ensure that the agency is capable of fully executing and administering lawful immigration into the United States and eliminating the shameful backlog of millions of people who are seeking legal entry into this country…more here

URGENT!!! Senate on verge of passing amnesty – unless WE stop it!

Posted by D.A. King at 1:47 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Contact info for Georgia Senators here… keep the calls going!

The below from Roy Beck and NumbersUSA.com

Sens. McConnell & Lott on verge of passing amnesty — unless you get in their way


I regret to tell you that our victory of last Thursday night has eroded to almost nothing by this morning.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott of Mississippi have succeeded in twisting nearly enough GOP arms to assure Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) that they can deliver the votes to pass his S. 1348 amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens.

Here is the pitch that McConnell and Lott are said to be using — and the pitch that only you can persuade Republican Senators to reject:

Lawmakers are being told that they must agree to vote for cloture ( end of debate) on the amnesty in exchange for a chance to have some favorite amendments brought up OR they will lose a chance to “sit at the table” in final fashioning of this bill.

A senior GOP leadership aide confirmed that anti-amnesty Republicans are being told by Party leadership that they “need to get on board if they want to remain relevant.”




It is imperative that we hold onto at least 9 of the 12 Democratic and Independent NO votes we got last Thursday on the cloture vote.

Phone these offices and urge them not to be taken in by the Republican leadership’s pandering to Big Business lobbyists who are demanding to keep employing their 7-million-plus illegal workers and are demanding an amnesty for all the lawbreaking by the outlaw companies in the past.

Tell these Democrats that they are standing with the American workers on this and should be proud of their principled stand against Pres. Bush’s dream of globalizing the American labor force.

(* Up for re-election in 2008)

* Baucus (D-Mont.)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-Calif.)
Byrd (D-WV)
Dorgan (D-ND)
* Landrieu (D-La.)
McCaskill (D-Mo.)
* Pryor (D-Ark.)
* Rockefeller(D-WV)
Sanders (I-Vt.)
Tester (D-Mont.)
Webb (D-Va.)


Call their offices and tell them you have heard of the ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ deal they are being offered and that your advice is:

“Refuse a Seat at The Table If All They’re Serving Is Rancid Mush.”

Tell them that permanently legalizing 12-20 million illegal aliens and giving them permanent access to our jobs is a dish not worth fussing over. No amount of seasoning or ingredient changing can make this dish palatable to the voters of your state.

Any amendment that would truly protect Americans would be killed by the Bush/Kennedy coalition.

No matter how many amendments are allowed for votes, the end result bill will be terrible — maybe slightly less terrible than now, but still terrible. There is no point in trading away a YES vote on cloture for the chance to offer an amendment.

Yet more news media polls are being released purporting to show that the majority of the public supports this Senate amnesty bill. The big use of these polls by reporters and open-borders advocates is to supposedly prove that all of your phone calls are just a loud-mouthed minority.

The fact is that nearly all the media polls fail to offer people the choice of Attrition Through Enforcement.

When Americans are offered a choice between legalization, attrition or mass deportations, most Americans choose attrition. And an overhwelming portion choose either attrition or mass deportation.


D.A. King to speak to the Buckhead Young Republicans Thursday June 14

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The big bald ugly guy to speak to the Buckhead Young Republicans Thursday June 14 @ 7:00 PM

Details here

D.A. King speaking to Paulding County GOP Saturday

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The big bald ugly guy in Paulding County Saturday June 16 @ 9:00 AM See here for details.

June 12, 2007

Newt Gingrich on the Bush Inc/Kennedy amnesty bill

Posted by D.A. King at 5:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The Immigration Conflagration Is Not Yet Extinguished
by Newt Gingrich

When Washington quit work last week, it looked as though the disastrous Bush-McCain-Kennedy immigration bill was dead.

As I write this, however, it is now clear that the Bush Administration is determined to force it through with raw power, despite the fact that a large and increasingly vocal majority of Americans oppose it.

Every recent survey has indicated that the American people think it is better to drop this bill and start over. But the power brokers and special interests in Washington feel otherwise.

The White House press statement Sunday trumpeted: “This Bill Is Alive and Well”

The President is apparently going to go to lunch with the Republican senators on Tuesday.

Here are a few talking points you should share with your senator TODAY — before the lunch with the President.

The Proposed Bill Is Based on a Fantasy and Could Never Be Effectively Implemented: It is outrageous when the federal government is so incompetent it has to suspend passport requirements for Mexico and Canada while at the same time suggesting it will be able to process a “Z” visa for 12 million-plus illegal immigrants in one day. Tell your senator that only a Washington power structure totally out of touch with reality could propose that.
As my good friend Linda E. wrote me:

“While American citizens are waiting up to three months or longer for the federal government to process their passports, illegal aliens could get a ‘Z’ visa within 24 hours under the hopefully dead Amnesty Bill. Outrageous!!! The system is beyond broken when we cannot prioritize the needs of citizens before the desires of non-citizen lawbreakers.”

The Attempt to Blackmail the American People by Threatening to Refuse to Enforce the Law Without a New Bill Is Disgraceful: A number of powerful figures in the Bush Administration and in the Senate have been saying that if we do not agree to pass this destructive bill, they will never enforce the law. Tell your senator that this is an extraordinary effort to blackmail the American people by having officials state that they will fail to perform their sworn duty, and we won’t stand for it.

Americans Do Not Change Our Values to Fit Government Failures: When Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff said that we had to “bow to the reality” of millions of people being here illegally, he illustrated the difference between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan as President.
Carter kept trying to convince us to accept malaise as the best we could do and to lower our expectations. Reagan told us we had every right to dream great dreams because we were Americans. Tell your senator that Secretary Chertoff needs to get off the Carter failure team and join the Reagan success team. That goes for everyone else in Washington who is trying to tell us we have no choice except to “bow to” illegality.

Why Should Any American Believe That This Government Will Keep Its Word and Do Better This Time? We now hear from the President that we have failed to control the border and failed to enforce the law on employers, and therefore, we need a new law to replace the law we have been failing to enforce. But we have been here before. The Simpson-Mazzoli immigration law passed 20 years ago promised the same things. Click here for a set of quotes from those politicians who promised to fix the border 20 years ago and see how familiar their enforcement promises sound today.

And this raises another question: Who has been running the government for the last six years? Why do we think anything will change and that the law will now suddenly be enforced? Over the last six years, the three recently arrested New Jersey terrorists who had been here illegally for 23 years had a total of 75 charges by the local police, and yet not once was our immigration enforcement infrastructure able to identify that they were here illegally. And now we are told that with the new comprehensive immigration bill, we will start to enforce the law against those have come here illegally after Jan. 1, 2007.

But ask this simple question: Under the proposed law, will local, state and federal officials really try to distinguish between those who came to the U.S. illegally prior to Jan. 1, 2007 (eligible under the proposed law for amnesty), and those who have arrived here illegally — or those who overstay their visas — after Jan. 1, 2007 (not eligible for the proposed amnesty)? The case of the 75 prior interactions with police of the Fort Dix terrorists demonstrates that we currently are incapable of identifying people here illegally, even if their names are in the judicial system. If 12 to 20 million are amnestied, who is seriously going to try and distinguish between the old illegal and the new illegal?

Another sign that enforcement promises may be as empty today as they turned out to be 20 years ago is that Arizona Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano just reported that the administration’s budget cuts National Guard work at the border, even though the program is hopelessly behind in meeting its goals.

Tell your senator that this is a good time to remember the Reagan rule of “trust but verify.” Show us the controlled border, show us the law enforced on American employers, show us the shift back to English as the official language of government and show us the end of sanctuary cities that refuse to identify those here illegally (by the way the Senate bill actually codifies the right of cities and counties to give sanctuary to illegal terrorists), then we will begin to think about a new bill.

This Is a Fight for America’s Future: Your senator needs to understand that this is the key fight over America’s future and returning to a law-abiding, effectively enforced, serious government worthy of the American people. Let them know they can be with the vast majority of Americans and kill the bill or they can side with the special interests and try to ram through this extraordinarily destructive bill. Either way, tell them you will remember them and how they vote.

Read more here.

Link to FOX NEWS video of NumbersUSA phone rally last week

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Link to FOX NEWS video of NumbersUSA phone rally last week here.

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