From Roy Beck in Washington.
Rosemary Jenks (our NumbersUSA director of government relations) just called me and said her team of lobbyists is reporting that the White House has dispatched officials at the highest level to “buy” votes.
She said Senate staffers are confirming that the Administration is offering various favors of all kinds to Senators who have publicly committed themselves to a NO on cloture but who might be willing to switch votes and to Senators who haven’t declared themselves yet.
“We’ll have a pretty good idea after the vote tomorrow which Senators sold,” Rosemary said.
Senate offices should have no question where their constituents stand — and that is the opposite of what the White House is buying.
Our date with destiny is Tuesday morning (tomorrow) at 11:30.
That is the schedule for dealing with two unrelated bills, including the cloture vote to allow the S. 1639 Kennedy/Bush Comprehensive Amnesty Bill back on the Senate floor.
Your NumbersUSA team of lobbyists — and our allied organizations and Senate staffers — feel that at this time we are 5 votes short of killing this monstrosity of a bill in the first round.
But those last five are proving to be extremely difficult votes to get. Constituency pressure is proving to be about the only thing that works — and it has worked remarkably well in places like Georgia, Texas and even beginning to work in Michigan.
The good news is that the No. 2 Democratic leader, Sen. Durbin (D-Ill.), has said he doesn’t believe he can get more than 37 of the majority party to vote for the amnesty. That means the Republican leader, Sen. McConnell (R-Ky.), must persuade 23 of the 49 Republicans to go against their base and support the amnesty. And McConnell himself still isn’t committing to a YES for the amnesty.
The pro-amnesty forces must get 60 Senators to vote YES tomorrow to keep the bill alive. The grassroots citizen army of people like you is the only thing that has gotten us this close to stopping the Kennedy/Bush plan.