Jerry Gonzalez in Creative Loafing in May: “The immigrant community ( note from D.A. – Jerry means illegal aliens) is very fearful and anxious,” says Jerry Gonzalez, executive director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials. [1] “People are selling their homes, liquidating their assets and emptying their bank accounts [2] to ensure that they will be able to move on a moment’s notice.”
Gainesville (Georgia) TimesSunday, June 24, 2007
Georgia Anti-Invader Law: What’s going to change
…Opponents of illegal immigration see the spotlight on what is commonly called Senate Bill 529 [3]as helpful. D.A. King, founder of the anti- illegal aliens Dustin Inman Society, said the law has made Georgia less hospitable [4]to those living here without permission. — As for talk of any leaving the state, “It’s obviously having the effect that was intended,” King said. Read the entire story here. [5]