May 3, 2007

How many terrorists entered the U.S. from Mexico in 2006? Ask Jerry Gonzalez – OR – ask the U.S. Congress

Posted by D.A. King at 12:06 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Read it and call the U.S. House report “baseless” Jerry.


Just read the first six (seis Jerry) pages.

Released (fall 2006) by the United States House of Represntatives ( that is in Congress Jerry) House Committee on Homeland Security – Subcommittee on Investigations.

Question: Can far left open borders types read something that is not put out by MALDEF or La Raza?

Note to Jerry Gonzalez. I’ll show you my honorable USMC discharge & DD 214 ( Google it Jerry) if you show me yours?

Ahhh, the far, far left…better than the three stooges.

May 2, 2007

Enforcement works…

Posted by D.A. King at 6:52 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

An excerpt from the Rocky Mountain NewsDemonstrators seek end to raids, path to legal status

One mother said she is here illegally and sometimes wakes up in fear that she’ll be deported to Mexico.

The family, with two children, is trying to sell its house and move to an apartment, so if it does happen, it would be easier to leave, she said.

“We want to stop the raids, and we are fighting for an immigration law to allow us to stay in the U.S.A.,” said the woman’s husband.

Transcripts: D.A. on CNN Anderson Cooper 360 LIVE May 1, 2007

Posted by D.A. King at 5:11 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

An old and dear friend asked if I had made it to CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 show last night…yes Ma’am, I did.

Transcripts of our segment here. Can someone please decipher the words of the guy ( Gerson Borrero) they put opposite me?

Apparently this man has a reputation for being somewhat pointed in NYC…in Espanol. I don’t get it. I had a lot of trouble following his thouhts…but I have no doubt of his agenda or his intent.

Transcript of segment below, but first, this from right before we went on :

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)COOPER (voice-over): From Los Angeles to Chicago to New York, all across America. Hundreds of thousands marched for immigration reform.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s everyone’s country. It’s not just my country or a Mexican country or any country. It’s everyone’s.

So, with that concept of Ben Franklin’s Republic in mind from just one of the MAYDAY ILLEGAL ALIEN MARCHERS yesterday, our segment.

CARDINAL ROGER MAHONY, LOS ANGELES: We have been with the immigrants since day one — this country since 1770s. We’ve always been there for every single wave of immigrants because we see in the immigrants the face of God. And as disciples of Jesus, he said open your arms, especially to the strangers. So, that’s what we do.

And, we’re here to try to find a just way for them to be recognized as individuals and to give them the opportunity to be out in the open making our country great.

COOPER: In Washington, President Bush continues to push for a temporary work visa program to give illegals a chance to work legally.

Some say it’s just amnesty, others say it doesn’t go far enough.

After failing last year, lawmakers now plan to take up immigration reform later this month.

Hundreds of thousands on the streets today say they will be watching.


Well, joining me now is D.A. King, a columnist for the “Marietta Daily Journal” in Georgia. He’s also an activist who wants to see immigration laws tightened.

And on the other side of the issue, Gerson Borrero, who is a columnist for “El Diario,” New York’s largest Spanish newspaper. He supports finding a way to let illegal immigrants stay in the U.S.

Gentlemen, appreciate both of you being on the program.

Gerson, we know the demonstrations today were far smaller fraction of what they were a year ago. What do you make of that?

GERSON BORRERO, “EL DIARIO” COLUMNIST: It doesn’t matter what the number were, whether they were greater or lesser. The fact is that there is a live community actually, with all intentions of keeping their issue alive, and that’s what important. The numbers don’t matter.

There wasn’t a Sensenbrenner bill. There wasn’t a direct threat to them. It’s an ongoing problem. And they refuse to let it go back in the closet, which is the important thing here. And that’s the message that came out today.

COOPER: D.A., when you see these rallies, these flags, what is the message you get?

D.A. KING, COLUMNIST, “MARIETTA DAILY JOURNAL”: I don’t regard them as immigration rallies, Anderson. I think they are very clearly open-border rallies.

The message is very clear from these people. We don’t want enforcement raids, the borders are to be crossed whenever we say so. And enforcement is something that is un-American.

They are promising to repeat these rallies every year. And to bring their families into the United States, whether or not it is within the American law.

I believe they are demanding open borders. And I think it’s funny that this year the numbers don’t matter, but last year they did.

COOPER: Well, you know, D.A., I talked to a lot of people in crowd who said, look, you can have border security and what they call comprehensive immigration reform. True? KING: I don’t believe so. Comprehensive immigration reform is code for amnesty again.

We have proven, Anderson, without any shadow of a doubt in 1986 that a path to legalization or a path to citizenship does not secure our borders. It does not stop illegal employment. And it certainly does not stop illegal immigration.

BORRERO: Well, finally something that makes sense, Anderson. It really doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that we are in fact are producing these people — are provoking these people to come into our country undocumented or illegal, as is the term that is put upon the victims of this whole exploitation process.

What people that are trying to keep or close up the borders, what do they want to do? They want to put up an iron fence around the United States so we don’t negotiate or deal with any country?

If we take care in a responsible manner of our foreign economic policy, not exploiting nations, we wouldn’t have this influx of people that are dying.

They need to eat. It’s an amazing thing. People like to eat.

COOPER: Why do you say we’re responsible, though, for forcing people to come to the United States?

BORRERO: I’ll give you an example. NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was supposed to put up to par Mexico, our neighbor to the south, and they’re looking at the north, both United States and Canada. We were supposed to better the condition alike. Bring up the wages, the daily wages of Mexicans there.

And just in the field, and farms of corn, they lost 1,700,000 jobs in 13 years since Bill Clinton enacted his famous NAFTA that was supposed to bring up people to parity with the United States.

They need to eat, Anderson, and they need to come over to the place where it has the money. This is what they perceive.

It’s our fault for the kind of economic injustices that we impose on the world.

KING: Anderson…


COOPER: D.A. — D.A., is this is our fault?

KING: This is very much like some bizarre national rerun of the groundhog movie. We hear the same things over and over again. Somebody point me to wages going up in the U.S. because the president of the United States refuses to secure our borders.

There is no universal civil right to live and work in the United States. And labeling illegal aliens as immigrant is the ultimate immigrant bashing.

Immigrants, by definition, do not require legalization. They do not require amnesty. They do not require some new legislated path to citizenship. They enjoy all of those privileges because they have followed American law.

And I resent people marching in the streets, demanding American citizenship, demanding also to be labeled as an immigrant.

BORRERO: Well, it just so happens that I, as an American citizen as you are, feel that they have the right and should continue. Not on a yearly basis. They should do it every month, come out to the streets.

And I got to tell you what they got to do because this is an economic problem turned into a political problem by opportunists that like to wage this patriotic call, which is false.

The same thing that the Republicans and the Democrats and the White House is doing with an issue that is basically an economic issue. What we should do, the 10 million strong that are registered to vote, is not engage in voting in partisan elections. Vote as independents — 10 million of us. Disenroll from both the Democratic and the Republican Party, and you’ll see that the problem is resolved.

This is nonsense. This is all escapism. It’s having somebody to put the finger at.


COOPER: I started with Gerson. D.A., let me give you the final thought.

KING: I agree this is not a partisan issue. It would be nice to see the criminal employers and the bankers who are allowed to flout this law have to march in the street to get away with what they are presently getting away with.

COOPER: Gentlemen, a passionate discussion, but a smart one. I appreciate it.

D.A. King, Gerson Borrero, always good to have you on the program.

We’re going to have more on the immigration debate ahead this hour.

And tomorrow night, CNN’s Lou Dobbs hosts a live primetime special, “Broken Borders.” He’ll be in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, a town taking a stand against illegal immigration. That’s tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., Eastern.

The Dustin Inman Society in the Chattanooga Times…with audio

Posted by D.A. King at 3:34 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Local advocates shift strategy on immigration
Chattanooga Times
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 –

By Karina Gonzalez
Staff Writer

While thousands rallied for immigration reform in the streets nationwide Tuesday, area advocates for immigrants recruited voters in Tennessee and Georgia and called state and federal

Some groups will continue the National Call-In Days initiative through Thursday.

“I feel the community wants to march again, but we have to be wise in when we want to march, when it’s more effective to march,” said Lisa Barba, East Tennessee coordinator for the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition. “We’ve got to put our allies and our voices to work, and that’s through the phone.”

However, thousands in Chicago, Phoenix, Detroit, Miami and other cities rallied for reform that would include a path toward citizenship for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now living in the United States, The Associated Press reported. An estimated 400 protested in Washington, D.C., 100 in Miami and about 400 in Los Angeles, the AP reported.

In Santa Ana, Calif., about 5,000 people rallied for the legalization of all illegal immigrants as well as a stop to immigration raids and deportations. The group, which also opposes a fence on the Mexican border and the Iraq war, was met by counterdemonstrators, according to Maria Rosa Ibarra with the Mexican American Political Association, a group leading the demonstrations.

Chattanooga resident Walter Lucas, a native of Guatemala who participated in two area rallies last year, said he hoped for a similar demonstration this year.

“It’s lamentable, because the advocates who lead the Hispanic community here ought to continue supporting a protest, a boycott like last year,” he said, speaking in Spanish. “Those things were noticeable, and the American people were able to see that they need the Latin community.”…

D.A. King with the Dustin Inman Society, a Marietta, Ga.-based group pushing for tougher enforcement of immigration laws and tighter border security, said the group is ready to rally against any form of immigration reform that includes a path toward citizenship for illegal immigrants.

“We will vehemently oppose any repeat of the 1986 one-time pass to citizenship legalization program for any and all people in this country illegally,” Mr. King said at a rally of up to 1,000 participants at the nation’s capitol last week. “We are demanding punishment for the criminal employers and the bankers.”

Mr. King said his group is demanding that “English be the common and official language of the United States.”

Read the entire report and listen to audio quotes…mine in English…here.

Sign of the times: When a reporter gets it right and does a fair and balanced report, they deserve a note of appreciation. I sent one to this reporter simply saying “good job”…I hope that you will.

FAST FACT: One in two Mexicans has family in U.S., poll finds

Posted by D.A. King at 11:13 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

FAST FACT: One in two Mexicans has family in U.S., poll finds
Source…Reuters: Read it here.

May 1, 2007

Jerry Gonzalez…Sam Zamarripa’s wanna -be enforcer

Posted by D.A. King at 12:28 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Jerry Gonzalez…Sam Zamarripa’s wanna -be enforcer. Click here.

Public Hearing: Georgia’s Labor Commissioner – should Georgia comply with the law? THURSDAY IN ATLANTA

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From the Department of Labor Website
Home /
SB 529 Proposed Rules

Proposed New Rules Pursuant to Senate Bill 529
(Act 457 of the 2006 Georgia General Assembly)

Senate Bill 529 is the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006 (Act 457). Section 2 of SB 529 enacted new work eligibility verification requirements which apply to Georgia public employers, their contractors and subcontractors when hiring new workers. These provisions of the Act require public employers, their contractors and subcontractors to verify the work eligibility of all newly hired employees through an electronic Federal work authorization program. The new requirements become effective on July 1, 2007.

As required under SB 529, the Georgia Department of Labor is promulgating new rules for the implementation of this law. The Department of Labor proposes to add a new Chapter 300-10-1 to the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia, entitled “Public Employers, Their Contractors and Subcontractors Required to Verify New Employee Work Eligibility Through a Federal Work Authorization Program.”

View the Department’s proposed new rules for Chapter 300-10-1, “Public Employers, Their Contractors and Subcontractors Required to Verify New Employee Work Eligibility Through a Federal Work Authorization Program.” This document is PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print. A free software download is available from the Adobe web site.

A public hearing will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., at the Capitol Education Center, located at 180 Central Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30334, in the main auditorium, to provide an opportunity for the public to comment upon, and provide input into, the proposed new rules. Any interested individual may present his or her comments at the public hearing, submit written comments to the Department, or do both. Oral statements should be concise to permit all interested persons an opportunity to be heard. Written comments must be submitted to the Georgia Department of Labor before the close of business on the date of the public hearing, Thursday, May 3, 2007.

Written statements may be submitted to: Michael L. Thurmond, Commissioner of Labor, Suite 600, 148 Andrew Young International Boulevard, N.E., Suite 600, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1751, or received through facsimile transmission to 404-656-2683, or e-mailed to

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