Re-post: QUICK FACT: Less than 2% of illegal aliens pick our crops, but 29% are on welfare
QUICK FACT: Less than 2% of illegal aliens pick our crops, but 29% are on welfare CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL POST
May 16, 2007Re-post: QUICK FACT: Less than 2% of illegal aliens pick our crops, but 29% are on welfareQUICK FACT: Less than 2% of illegal aliens pick our crops, but 29% are on welfare CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL POST EU CRACKDOWN ON ILLEGAL LABOR… OMIGAWD HOW EXTREME!SPIEGEL ONLINE – May 16, 2007, 12:28 PM The European Commission is hoping to tackle the “pull” factor in illegal immigration by imposing harsher penalties on the employers of undocumented workers. The measures include bans on public contracts and subsidies, increased fines and possible jail sentences. DPA Around half a million people arrive in the EU each year illegally ( Note from D.A. – only half a million a year? Lucky them). Now the European Commission wants to tackle the problem by hitting the employers of illegal labor with tough penalties. The European Commission wants to impose much harsher penalties on those who employ illegal immigrants, including prison sentences, a bar on public contracts and the removal of EU subsidies…
This is less than half of more here. Chattanooga TV online video – Lou Dobbs not in any danger of losing ratingsBelow are two links to online video from Chattanooga TV – it seems that this TV station has discovered the illegal immigration/employment issue. The reporter drove more than an hour from Chattanooga to my home in Marietta and got more than 20 minutes of tape. The final result is what we call “typical”…and somewhat comical. Judge for yourself, but from here it is same-old same-old nonsense from the, in this case, clueless media. YES. I understand the “face for radio” lines and agree. There is more here…but not much in the way of accuracy. The ABC’s of ID for immigrants in the U.S.The ABC’s of ID for immigrants in the U.S. NATIONAL By Katherine Gigliotti and Ann Morse The federal government controls the terms and conditions for the foreign-born to become permanent or This is a good, if somewhat dated basic information package. Read the rest here. May 15, 2007Open borders language in three federal AMNESTY bills – two of which are pending: ACTION NEEDED .The U.S. Senate is close to a “compromise” on America’s sovereignty and bordersAll: the quotes below are from several sources, below them, I have extracted language from three separate bills in Washington. The first one s 2611 PASSED last year, without a whiff of conversation about the language I have highlighted. The other two are pending. You can bet that any “Grand Compromise” bill would have the same language. ANY LEGALIZATION OF ILLEGAL ALIENS IS AMNESTY! Talking about a common NORTH AMERICAN Security perimeter and eliminating the requirement for “visas” on the continent for citizens of the three countries…the game is open borders. See my AJC column here for added info. Please decide for yourself and then call your U.S. Senators and your Congressman and ask why you are hearing about this from me… and not from them. Please. Here for contact information. Here for Senators outside Georgia. “The ultimate goal of any White House policy ought to be a North American economic and political alliance similar in scope and ambition to the European Union,” opined an Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial on September 7, 2001. “Unlike the varied landscapes and cultures of European Union members, the United States, Canada and Mexico already share a great deal in common, and language is not as great a barrier. President Bush, for example, is quite comfortable with the blended Mexican-Anglo culture forged in the border states of Texas, California and Arizona.”
The excerpts from three pieces of federal legislation on the three following pages come from the U.S. Senate’s 2006 Comprehensive Immigration Act.( s 2611) and this year’s Flake Gutierrez House bill,(the Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy (STRIVE) Act – HR 1645… and s 1348 2007 S2611 SEC. 113. REPORTS ON IMPROVING THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON NORTH AMERICAN SECURITY. 3) VISA POLICY COORDINATION AND IMMIGRATION SECURITY– The progress made by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to enhance the security of North America by cooperating on visa policy and identifying best practices regarding immigration security, including the progress made– SEC. 114. IMPROVING THE SECURITY OF MEXICO’S SOUTHERN BORDER. H.R.1645 SEC. 113. REPORTS ON IMPROVING THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON NORTH AMERICAN SECURITY. a) Requirement for Reports- Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies, shall submit to Congress a report on improving the exchange of information related to the security of North America. 3) VISA POLICY COORDINATION AND IMMIGRATION SECURITY– The progress made by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to enhance the security of North America by cooperating on visa policy and identifying best practices regarding immigration security, including the progress made– (A) in enhancing consultation among officials who issue visas at the consulates or embassies of Canada, Mexico, or the United States throughout the world to share information, trends, and best practices on visa flows; (D) in providing technical assistance for the development and maintenance of a national database built upon identified best practices for biometrics associated with immigration violators; Subtitle C–Southern Border Security S.1348 SEC. 113. REPORTS ON IMPROVING THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON NORTH AMERICAN SECURITY. (3) VISA POLICY COORDINATION AND IMMIGRATION SECURITY– The progress made by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to enhance the security of North America by cooperating on visa policy and identifying best practices regarding immigration security, including the progress made— (C) in exploring methods for Canada, Mexico, and the United States to waive visa requirements for nationals and citizens of the same foreign countries; (E) in developing and implementing an immigration security strategy for North America that works toward the development of a common security perimeter by enhancing technical assistance for programs and systems to support advance automated reporting and risk targeting of international passengers; From Roy Beck at on looming amnesty plan from U.S. SenateWill you Republicans quickly call GOP offices and talk about the political suicide? DEAR REPUBLICAN MEMBERS OF NUMBERSUSA, A close Republican Congressman has shared these quotes from major news sources. Please phone all the Republican offices you can this afternoon and then again Wednesday morning and talk to them about one or more of these quotes and how any Republican who votes to add another 30 million or so immigrants the next 20 years is politically suicidal. Because most immigrants are poor, most end up voting with and for the Party that does more income redistribution. Immigration always has and still does provide a substantial net gain each year to Democratic voting registration. THESE ARE ALL QUOTES FROM NEWS SOURCES Top Democratic leaders and activists see Hispanic migration as a long-term opportunity for the party. The arrival of additional immigrant workers is “bad for blue-collars,” Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, told National Journal late last year. But immigrants can help elect Democratic majorities, and “if [a Democratic Congress> were to significantly strengthen unions, then you would offset the negative effect on the income of workers,” he said. (National Journal, 5/12/07) “Somehow,” said a Democrat lawmaker who is trying to build Republican support, “we have to convince them that voting for comprehensive reform does not amount to ‘enfranchising their defeat,'” a reference to the likelihood that two of every three new Latino voters would cast Democratic ballots. “Our problem,” he admitted, “is that we are hoping that the legislation will build the Democratic electorate.” (National Journal, 2/10/07) Democratic leaders say Republican backing is critical, both to ensure passage of a bill in the Senate and to protect newly elected moderate and conservative Democrats in the House, some of whom campaigned against legalizing illegal immigrants. (New York Times, 3/23/07) May 14, 2007FAST FACT: MOULTRIE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE SERVICES PROMOTES A PETITION TO VETO LEGISLATION AIMED AT SAVING AMERICAN LIVES IN GEORGIA BY DETERING ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM DRIVING…ILLEGALLY!FAST FACT: MOULTRIE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE SERVICES PROMOTES A PETITION TO VETO LEGISLATION AIMED AT SAVING AMERICAN LIVES IN GEORGIA BY DETERING ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM DRIVING…ILLEGALLY! See here. 4:34PM :Note from D.A. – I just checked back after sending these folks the below e-mail…they have taken the petition drive to veto the legislation off of their Webpage. 10:47 PM…Note from D.A.- I enjoyed watching WSB TV this evening, their news show had a story on this insurance agency and its effort to have SB 15 and SB 38 vetoed…in the name of profit. THANKS WSB TV NEWS!
422 5th Street SE May 13, 2007Nearly half of all illegals arrived in the U.S. since 9/11: Great job at security Mr. President!Acording to Rich Tucker and The Pew Hispanic Center estimates there are between 11.5 and 12 million illegals ( Note from D.A.- sadly, this is off by more than half ), and it says 40 percent of them have arrived in the last five years — in other words, since 9/11. May 11, 2007Enforcement works: Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO in Creative LoafingEnforcement, even the promise of enforcement WORKS. Just ask the far left illegal alien/open borders lobby and the illegals themselves. Below a short excerpt from that (not) far-right Creative Loafing paper.
Today’s Marietta Daily Journal column: TERRORISTS ARE COMING INTO THE U.S. FROM MEXICO! Duh…My column in today’s Marietta Daily Journal ( Click here to see MDJ) I have added some hyperlinks to educate the reader. Key to preventing future terror fiasco is tighter borders D.A. King “Spanish and Islamic terrorist groups are using Mexico as a refuge“ – Former Mexican National Security Adviser and Mexican Ambassador to the United Nations Alfredo Aguilar Zinser, May 2001 “Members of Hezbollah have already entered the United States across the Southwest border.” – A Finding from a “A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border,” a 2006 U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security report.
D.A. King is president of the Marietta-based Dustin Inman Society, a coalition dedicated to educating the public on the consequences of illegal immigration. |