Ask yourself why no Georgia counties or cities are using available federal tools to make their communities less attractive to illegal employment [1]and immigration. [2]
In Arizona, they have proven that enforcement works….again.
State effort proves that Social Security info can be verified
Richard Ruelas
Republic columnist
Oct. 16, 2006 12:00 AM
Quietly, for the past year, state officials tucked away in a non- descript building near the state Capitol have waged a small battle against illegal immigration.
What they do seems pretty simple: They check state employees’ Social Security numbers to make sure they match those on file in Washington.
But that monthly running of the numbers might prove significant in the debate over illegal immigration in Arizona. advertisement
Because it knocks down a major argument that kept state Republicans from supporting legislation last year that would crack down on employers of illegal immigrants.
Namely, it shows the database works.
Arizona started checking the names and Social Security numbers of its employees in December after Gov. Janet Napolitano signed an executive order mandating the program.
Since then, every five weeks or so, the state Department of Administration has electronically sent the names and numbers of all 42,000 state employees through the Social Security Number Verification program.
So far, only 409 people have been kicked back as “no-matches.” That’s an average of about 40 a month. Alan Eckert, a department spokesman, said the number has gone down each time.
Yes, there is more. Here. [3]
Send it to your county geovernemnt and see what they say.