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We get mail…from Americans!

In 2003, when I quit my own business to attempt to save my country from open borders and illegal immigration, I formed an organization I named The American Resistance Foundation [1]. [ Please see the BORDERLESS CONTINENT [2] page]

It seemed to me that if the French [the French!] had the courage to resist the invasion of their nation [3]and surrender by their government [4] – that it would be more than acceptable to use the same title in my own country.

My goal was to unite the Americans from coast to coast who have the courage to stand up and say out loud that illegal immigration and open American borders [ the French can do what they want [5], us too!] is not only wrong, but national suicide [6].

It was not a project that one man in Georgia with his own limited savings could make work. [7]

Our focus is now on Georgia. [8] and the Dustin Inman Society.

Same mission. Secure borders and stop illegal immigration and employment.

Oh my! [9]

The American Resistance Foundation is an effort of which I am very proud. It is present in name, and Website, only. We may be back, let’s see to what level the President of the United States and our Congress will bend. [10]

Already, far too low a bar has been set. [11]

We still get mail from the site.

Here is an all too common letter from TAR. We get many of the same letters at the Dustin Inman Society…from all too common Americans.

Note: When you get lost on the issue of illegal immigration, always follow the money [12].

From all directions [13].

Unedited letter from TAR reader below.

Sender? – John James, Lexington, Kentucky. USA. Hola John James! [14]

Since when can you find fifteen American citizens to work eight hours in a hot tobacco field and do it right. People like me cannot afford to pay more than minimum wage for that much labor. And don’t start with the give up tobacco plot, without I could not pay my bills, my taxes, or my tuition at college. The fact is without the illegal immigrants, people like me (there are thousands of us) [15] would be placed into poverty. Lucky for me, I am not trying to pay off my property or equipment, because it was passed down to me.

Make up your own mind while you remember the America of only 20 years ago. [16]
It would seem that John James of Lexington KY. cannot.

Tuition at college [17] John?