Reports of an elephant crossing the river or people trying to smuggle an elephant across were rampant Tuesday….
“The elephant never made landfall into Mexico, but I tell you something, he could have made 15 laps back and forth, but no one showed up,” said Raj Peter Bhakta, a former star on the NBC show “The Apprentice,” who also is a Republican candidate for the 13th District U.S. House of Representatives seat in Eastern Pennsylvania.
He was in Brownsville to raise funds with friends and decided to get a first-hand look at border security [1]while he was here. In Brownsville, he witnessed half a dozen men swim under one of the international bridges “with complete immunity” which prompted him to take the immigration issue to the next level.
“If I can get an elephant led by a mariachi band into this country, I think Osama bin Laden could get across with all the weapons of mass destruction he could get into this country,” Bhakta said. The mariachi band was not immediately available for comment.
The complete story here. [2]
Reader Comment:
This latest fiasco shows prove that our president speaks with a forked tongue. He is only giving lip service to securing our borders. When discussing border security the president sounds like a hawk but actually prevented any meaningful border enforcement for over five years.
No one knows how many terrorists are inside our borders.