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Letter to Atlanta Immigration and Customs Enforcement regarding Teodoro Maus, a leader of the local illegal alien/open borders lobby

There are some things you should not try at home. This is not one of them.

Below is my letter to the Atlanta office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement regarding former Mexican Consul General Teodoro Maus [ his freinds call him Teo…say TAY-oh].

We need more letters like this one and we need to ask our elected officials at all levels why this guy is allowed to flout the law that we are fully expected to follow.

Special Agent Ken Smith 11 October, 2006
Special Agent in Charge
Atlanta Region
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Department of Homeland Security
1691 Phoenix Blvd.
Atlanta, Georgia. 30349
770 994 4200

The Compliance Enforcement Unit (CEU), an investigative component of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is charged with tracking and pursuing foreign students, exchange visitors and other non-immigrant visitors who violate their immigration status. From the DHS Website.

Special Agent Smith,

I write to ask that your office investigate possible visa violations [1]of the former Atlanta Mexican Consul General, Teodoro Maus and Adelina Nichols. Both are listed as organizers and contacts for an organization, La Alianza 17 de Marzo [2], which is openly advocating opposition, disobedience – and an end to enforcement – of several existing laws, both state and federal.

Maus a Mexican citizen, is reportedly present in the United States on a visa, as is Nichols. Each are well-known organizers [3] of thousands of illegal aliens in their effort to continue to subvert the law that your office is charged with enforcing.

Both of the above aliens are involved in what can only be described as a conspiracy to aid, assist, abet, harbor and encourage illegal aliens to remain [4]in these United States. Both are doing so for commercial profit and gain and are meddling in the affairs of the U.S. as foreign nationals while being in clear violation of 8 USC 1324.

As you know, immigration and U.S. visa requirements dictate that visa holders strictly obey existing U.S. law. The activities of the two individuals I mention above are well documented and publicized and they are very bold in their defiance of the rule of law that Americans are held to in their own nation.

It is my hope that you will regard this letter as a citizen complaint and report of known criminal activity on which you will act and reply to as soon as possible.

I have nothing but respect and admiration for the dangerous and endless law enforcement work done by you and the entire Atlanta ICE office, and am of the opinion that setting an example by investigating and creating a case to be sent to the U.S. Attorney for prosecution will serve to discourage further disrespect [5]for American laws.


D.A. King/U.S. Citizen

Marietta, Ga. 30066