The Mexican Border Fence Hoax
Written by Vincent Gioia
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Many of us have insisted that Congress address border protection before dealing with illegal aliens in our midst. House Republicans have been particularly vocal and responsive about the need to first protect our borders and they passed a bill to do just that. The Senate, on the other hand, had no such intention and the Senate bill on illegal immigration was a total capitulation to illegal immigrants [1]that even proposed amnesty for law-breakers.
The House and Senate took up appropriation bills for Homeland Security in committee ‘to resolve the differences’ and both the House and Senate approved a ‘compromise’ appropriation bill with an apparent $1.2 billion for a “border fence” which was sent to the White House. With great fanfare, the President signed the bill and border protection advocates were told that the border fence financed by the appropriation bill would protect our Mexican border.
Now, having mollified conservative critics with ‘border protection first,’ Congress and the president consider themselves free to deal with illegal immigration as they wanted to in the first place without opposition by those who want to protect our borders before addressing the problem of illegal immigration. Unfortunately, the claim of border protection beginning with the appropriation of over one billion dollars allegedly for that purpose is just a big hoax. [2] The public scam is even worse than described; the law funding the ‘border fence’ provides a five-year term for completion, not the 18 months Homeland Security officials [3]are mandated to gain “operational control” of the border.
There is more…. [4] But, for those who still don’t get it…the plan is for open borders and a free flow of goods and people. [5]