Operation Predator Nabs 6,000 Illegal Aliens [1]
In the past two years, Operation Predator, an initiative of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has brought about the arrest of 6,085 child predators, 85 percent of whom were in the United States illegally.
Operation Predator is an effort by ICE to protect children from foreign national pedophiles, international sex tourists, Internet child pornographers and human traffickers. As a result of the operation, 2,100 of these foreign-born predators have been deported from the U.S.When they are deported, ICE informs their home countries of the criminal histories of each predator. They also notify Interpol in cases where crimes have been committed in more than one country.
More? From the White House: [2]
Fact Sheet: Operation Predator
Each year, millions of children fall prey to sexual predators. Experts estimate that one-in-five girls and one-in-ten boys in the United States are sexually exploited before they reach adulthood. These young victims are left with permanent psychological, physical, and emotional scars. That tragedy is compounded by the fact that child prostitution, human trafficking, child pornography, and international sex tourism now generate billions of dollars a year worldwide.
Seeking to reverse this trend and protect children worldwide, the Department of Homeland Security/U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) developed Operation Predator, an initiative to identify, investigate, and arrest child predators. Officially launched by Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge in July 2003, Operation Predator draws on ICE’s unique investigative and enforcement authorities to safeguard children from foreign national pedophiles, human traffickers, international sex tourists, and other predatory criminals.