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Mexico whines about the U.S. possibly securing a third of its southern border, may go to the U.N in protest

From the Sydney Morning Herald…Australia

Don’t fence me in: Mexico lashes border plan

October 6, 2006

MEXICO CITY: Mexico says it may go to the United Nations to challenge US plans to build hundreds of kilometres of fences on its southern border.

The Foreign Secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, said the plan was offensive.

Asked if he would take up the issue with the UN, a step some Mexican politicians have called for, Mr Derbez replied: “Without a doubt, we are examining, with the foreign relations legal team, what options are open at an international level and we will take them.”

The US President, George Bush, yesterday signed a homeland security funding bill that includes $US1.2 billion ($1.6 billion) for fencing along the US-Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants and criminals sneaking over.

The outgoing Mexican President, Vicente Fox, has called the plan “shameful” and compared it to the Berlin Wall. Mr Fox has spent his six-year term lobbying for a new guest worker program and an amnesty for Mexicans working illegally in the US.

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One must wonder here if it is “shameful” that Mexico secures its own border and that illegal immigration and employment are enforced felonies there. Hmmm…