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Info on illegal alien march this weekend…and an offer for a free movie premier: Border War

Two things: Illegal alien “march” on Saturday and free movie tickets for October 11.

Added info: See here for info on “march [1]” on Sam Zamarripa’s Website. And here from the March 17 Alliance of illegal alien leaders [2]. En Espanol!

1) We are getting a lot of e-mail asking if The Dustin Inman Society will be organizing a counter protest to the illegal aliens and their handlers “march” at the Georgia Capitol on Saturday, October 7, 2006 [3].

Short answer: No, we are not.

The reason for staging a rally [4]is to draw attention to our issue: Secure borders and equally applied laws…even immigration and employment laws. Throw in keeping the English language as the single language of the U.S. and you pretty much have our agenda.

Reasoning: The marches and boycotts this spring [5]by the illegal alien/open borders lobby did more to wake up Americans who were not paying attention than almost anything else ever has. They are doing a fine job of sending their message, which is that illegal aliens have special rights, it is “unfair”, “un-American”, “mean-spirited”… or “racist” for the law to apply to illegals. And that American borders violate human-rights.

They will try to make it into an ethnic issue [6].

When your enemy is doing a terrific job of shooting himself in the foot, I think the best thing to do is to sit back and let him continue.

There will be a large number of illegals and those who encourage them – and profit from them – at the Capitol Saturday, led by many who are not American citizens. Teodoro Maus [7] and Adelina Nichols [8]being brilliant examples.

They are protesting the new Georgia law, the Georgia Immigration and Compliance Act [9], authored by Senator Chip Rogers, Governor Perdue’s recent SECUREID [10]initiative and recent immigration and employment law enforcement actions by the feds [11].

We have decided to stay home and let them do our work for us. Any counter protest at the Capitol will not be a Dustin Inman Society event…BUT…we are planning one on October 24 to make county enforcement of immigration laws an issue…details soon. [12]

2) On another note: There is going to be an Atlanta premiere of a very enlightening film “Border War [13]” in Lawrenceville on Wednesday, October 11 at 7:00 PM.

I am told this is a “don’t miss” and plan on attending to make up my own mind.

We have twenty-five free tickets for two for the Wednesday showing. The first 25 people already on the DIS mailing list to contact me using the contact form [14] on the Dustin Inman Society Website [15]
to claim tickets can go and take someone to see the movie on our borders and the consequences of illegal immigration in our nation with free admittance. EACH TICKET IS GOOD FOR TWO PEOPLE…ONE TICKET PER PERSON ONLY PLEASE. Tickets can be claimed at the theatre for those who contact me.

These tickets will not last long, so if you want to go free, please respond quickly. I hope that many of you will attend – and bring a friend – free or not. The movie will also be shown on October 12. We have tickets for Wednesday’s event only.

Info here: Atlanta Border War Premiere:
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
AMC Colonial 18
825 Lawrenceville Suwanee Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30043

More info in the below press release.

Thanks…D.A. King

September 27, 2006 Shirley & Banister Public Affairs
Atlanta “Border War” Documentary
Premiere On Wednesday, October 11th at 7 p.m.
Screenings at AMC Colonial 18-October 11th-12th
Washington, D.C. – The controversial documentary Border War: The Battle Over
Illegal Immigration is debuting in Atlanta at the AMC Colonial 18 on October
11th at 7:00 p.m and will also run on October 12th. Conservative documentary
film makers Citizens United Productions is bringing the film Border War to
theaters nationwide.

Border War, which was produced by Citizens United president David N. Bossie,
documents the lives of five individuals affected by the war taking place at the
U.S.-Mexico border. Border War presents the intersecting real life stories of
five people directly impacted by the continued conflict on America’s southern
frontier. The compelling stories and incredible visuals of Border War, which
was shot in high-definition, will leave viewers demanding answers. Border War
was written and directed by Kevin Knoblock.

“We wanted to explore the most explosive domestic issue of our time by allowing
those on the front lines of immigration policy to speak. We thought it was
important to hear directly from undocumented workers, a high-profile member of
Congress, the victims of border violence, open border advocates,
Hispanic-American ‘Minutemen,’ and U.S. Border Patrol agents. All of these
voices combined make a true and compelling story,” said David N. Bossie. The
Border War trailer can be viewed online at http://www.BorderWarMovie.com