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Illegal aliens protest enforcement of Social Security regulations in Chicago

I cannot make stuff like this up.

From ABC Channel 7 news in Chicago.

Fear not, because it cannot happen here. Right? This has video if you want to see for yourself.

September 30, 2006 – A local group fighting for immigrant [1] rights is calling for a boycott of two nationally known companies. Dunkin Donuts and Applebee’s are accused of discriminating against immigrant workers whose names don’t match their social security numbers.

Some immigration rights groups at Federal Plaza say it is no mistake there has been an increase in effort to curtail immigration reform. They have planned a day of fasting in protest of the ‘no match’ letters, raids, and deportations.

“It looks to me like its racism [2],” said Emma Lozano, Pueblo Sin Fronteras [3].

Note from D.A…..Sin Fronteras? “Without borders” en Espanol.

Read the rest. [4]