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Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, tips the hand of the Senate and the President… border fence will not be built

Border fence won’t happen, GOP lawmaker says

Eunice Moscoso
Cox News Service
Oct. 3, 2006 02:28 PM

WASHINGTON – Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican and key liaison to the White House on immigration, said Tuesday that 700 miles of fencing approved by Congress will probably not be built because of a lack of money and other practical considerations.

“It’s one thing to authorize. It’s another thing to actually appropriate the money and do it,” he told reporters.
There’s different kinds of fencing … there’s the old fence post and barbed wire, and then there’s the virtual fence which is a combination of physical barriers, people, and technology and I think, in the end, that will probably be how this is addressed,” he said.

Cornyn added that 700 miles of fencing would not solve the problem of illegal immigration because it would still leave about 1,300 miles of unfenced border.

“I’m not sure that’s the most practical use of that money,” he said.

Cornyn doesn’t coment on fencing the entire border with third world Mexico…or that Disneyland is more secure than our children’s nation. [1]
You can contact this sell-out here [2]. Read the rest of the news report here. [3]